You literally said you watched bocu no pico ur literally a pedo making false claims I don’t think you have room to speak on anything but sure someone telling you to do something is totally rape yea for sure guess I’ve been raped a thousand times then cuz of all the times I’ve been told to suck a dick huh guess I should get all those thousands of law suits to court because of how many times I’ve been assaulted by WORDS

First of all that’s not a rape threat it’s a phrase of speech idk how many times I’ve said this you can even look it up online and see what it means. Second of all I am a trans MAN not a trans woman I’m mlm that’s why I’m reading mlm content unlike you who apparently is a lesbian who doesn’t like dicks yet is reading mlm porn (weird but whatever). Third of all you calling trans people rapists specifically WOMEN is huge terf territory because for decades trans women have been called rapists just for existing in women spaces and not being biologically female so you calling all trans women predators is EXTREMELY MISOGYNISTIC and major terf shit :) you call others misogynistic for calling you a terf yet you indulge in trans misogyny
what the hell happened?? Who’s the lesbian? Why are we bringing up trans women? Are people man cuz the ML is bi????