This manga scksss. The plot scksssss. This manga doesn't deserve anime adaption. You all d...

Homo"sexual" not Homo"gender" May 10, 2021 4:58 am

This manga scksss. The plot scksssss. This manga doesn't deserve anime adaption. You all disagreeing doesn't change the facts.

Also I hope FBMBF fans will s*ffer in their entire life. You all are d!sgusting r*pist. Telling a lesbian to s*ck a d!ck. I hope everyone who SUPPORT C0rrective r*pe will su*ffer.

    Lennyey May 10, 2021 4:07 pm

    Lmao suck a dick bitch. Why are you reading mlm content if ur a lesbian? Disgusting fetishizer

    Komischesguuurl May 10, 2021 6:37 pm

    Uhm you don't need to be here like no one is forcing you. It's clearly wrong to tell you to suck a d*ck but you don't need to offend the whole community ;)

    Homo"sexual" not Homo"gender" May 11, 2021 12:29 am


    Tran and trans ally = r*pist. You all making r*pe threats against lesbian and wandering why a lot of people against you all.
    Because BL is good and???? A lot of Gay Men reading wlw content but no one says anything. Hyprocrity. Just say you hate lesbian and go.
    It's totally too obvious you don't know what fetishizer means . LoL .

    Homo"sexual" not Homo"gender" May 11, 2021 12:30 am
    Uhm you don't need to be here like no one is forcing you. It's clearly wrong to tell you to suck a d*ck but you don't need to offend the whole community ;) Komischesguuurl

    No I will offend them. A lot of your fellow fans literally depending r*pe threats.

    Komischesguuurl May 11, 2021 3:10 pm
    Lennyey Tran and trans ally = r*pist. You all making r*pe threats against lesbian and wandering why a lot of people against you all.Because BL is good and???? A lot of Gay Men reading wlw content but no one say... Homo"sexual" not Homo"gender"

    Uhm i'm lesbian but eh okay