Shoujo manga

NekoSmile May 14, 2016 11:18 pm

OK, so i know i read this manga a long time ago like 3 years ago...
And it shoujo, school life, comedy, Romance and more like that you get the genres.. anyways it about a girl that one night meet a boy that look really identical like the prez that she loves so much, but he is a bad boy that cant express himself right.. After a while she and the prez become a couple and have what all couple have "happy time" but slowly she become to know the bad boy.. To make the long story short in the end she sleep with the prez before she leave him for the bad boy, but she said that he is her first love and she don't regret that she been with him.. and i like searching for this manga like crazy (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
