If you don't like it, just shut up and go. Why get angry in the comments? You guys are wei...

Hime Hoshina May 9, 2021 11:07 pm

If you don't like it, just shut up and go. Why get angry in the comments? You guys are weird. Rape in fiction cannot be treated the same as rape in the real world. A lot of people have rape fetishes and they write that down in their work.

If you want to fight rape, don't do it here, there's no point defending a 2D victim whose fate is determined by the author. Help real rape victims, give them mental support. You must have a life apart from thinking about fictional rape.

    ygirljae May 23, 2021 10:56 pm

    How about u stfu bc like it or not fiction still depicts reality and it will be a gr8 step towards progress when authors will stop romanticizing rape.

    zizufied May 23, 2021 11:34 pm
    How about u stfu bc like it or not fiction still depicts reality and it will be a gr8 step towards progress when authors will stop romanticizing rape. ygirljae

    please, if you're looking for something to complain about then go read smn else. imagining thinking fiction = reality.

    zizufied May 23, 2021 11:34 pm
    please, if you're looking for something to complain about then go read smn else. imagining thinking fiction = reality. zizufied


    suwonii May 24, 2021 12:26 am
    How about u stfu bc like it or not fiction still depicts reality and it will be a gr8 step towards progress when authors will stop romanticizing rape. ygirljae

    fiction doesn’t depict reality bc it’s FICTION DUDE
    fiction literally means MADE UP, FALSE, NOT REAL, IMAGINARY

    SuckThatLollipop May 24, 2021 2:21 am

    I think the discussion is a little more complicated than this. Fetishizing is one thing, but blurring the lines between consensual and non-consensual activity is another. Of course this won't cause people to commit crimes but it might make it more difficult for victims to recognize what's happened to them, especially when gaslighting is a common part of abusive relationships.

    Fiction and real life are different but like it or not, the media that people consume impacts how a person sees the world. I don't have a problem with depictions of unhealthy relationships, as long as it's clear that what's happening is unacceptable, which in this case it is not.

    Jane May 24, 2021 6:24 am
    I think the discussion is a little more complicated than this. Fetishizing is one thing, but blurring the lines between consensual and non-consensual activity is another. Of course this won't cause people to co... SuckThatLollipop

    This person summarizes everything correctly. Rape has no place in love stories and it should never be normalized in healthy relationships. Of course this is fiction, but fiction does influence the real world.

    BigLightsabers May 24, 2021 8:59 am
    This person summarizes everything correctly. Rape has no place in love stories and it should never be normalized in healthy relationships. Of course this is fiction, but fiction does influence the real world. Jane

    Its always fun to see activits in a irrelevant comment section fighting over whats wrong or right like its going to help actual rape thats going on in the real world but of course you guys dpenf your time being soldiers of morals in a FICTION ILLEGAL COMMENT section like its going to change anything. If yall really hate it so much why dont u guys get some actual balls and go protest about it outside where it would actually matter, like the damn author is gonna see this and go, "omg uk this was so wrong of me, ill change it"...

    just a passerby May 24, 2021 9:26 am
    Its always fun to see activits in a irrelevant comment section fighting over whats wrong or right like its going to help actual rape thats going on in the real world but of course you guys dpenf your time being... BigLightsabers

    finally, someone said this

    Hime Hoshina May 24, 2021 10:39 am
    Its always fun to see activits in a irrelevant comment section fighting over whats wrong or right like its going to help actual rape thats going on in the real world but of course you guys dpenf your time being... BigLightsabers

    I love you, Sis ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    Hime Hoshina May 24, 2021 10:41 am

    I always don't understand why all pf you protest. I mean, this is R18. Only people aged 18 years or over are allowed to read it. Do they think rating just shows presence of sex in the story? If someone is old enough, they should realize that fiction is just fiction, no sane person looks for references through fiction.

    You think rapes happen because of manga? The dangerous view of sex comes from fiction? Try studying psychology again.

    You just want to be heroes without understanding the context.
    Wy not boycott the entire superhero story? Isn't fighting wrong too? Superheroes also justify fighting and increase the percentage of violence among teenagers. Why not have superhero story writers get them to talk nicely and discuss problems without destroying the city?
    Or the story about transmigration and the increasing number of suicides?

    You are still a fool to blame fiction for all the world's problems.

    Jane May 24, 2021 12:38 pm
    I always don't understand why all pf you protest. I mean, this is R18. Only people aged 18 years or over are allowed to read it. Do they think rating just shows presence of sex in the story? If someone is old e... Hime Hoshina

    Absolutely no one said that rape happens because of manga, but it’s ignorant to say that manga— ESPECIALLY mlm mangas,
    — do not normalize sexual assault as a normal part of the relationship. There is no context here to understand. At the end of the day, they are perpetuating the idea that rape is a normal part of romance, which it is not and never will be. You act as though fiction has absolutely no ties with reality, but fiction often reflects the real world and can even influence people’s behaviors. For example, studies have shown that although violent movies do not directly cause violence, it gives ideas on how to conflict violence upon others.

    Jane May 24, 2021 12:43 pm
    Its always fun to see activits in a irrelevant comment section fighting over whats wrong or right like its going to help actual rape thats going on in the real world but of course you guys dpenf your time being... BigLightsabers

    Removing romance stories that normalize rape is the very first step in helping rape victims and all future victims. By normalizing rape in love stories, it’s harder for real victims to understand that they are a victim of rape/sexual assault/etc. through media consumption like this. It’s so harmful to have fictional media depict rape being normal in relationships, which is why victim blaming is still a relevant problem. You have to first identify the problem before you can fix it, and from the looks of it, you don’t even plan to address it, let alone try to fix it. Say what you will, but you cannot deny that rape being romanticized in love stories is horrible. Unless you don’t think that, then there is no point in trying to reason with you.

    BigLightsabers May 24, 2021 6:13 pm
    Removing romance stories that normalize rape is the very first step in helping rape victims and all future victims. By normalizing rape in love stories, it’s harder for real victims to understand that they ar... Jane

    The fact that u think a artists live on this earth to satisfy your morals is something wrong im itself. You cannot tell an artist making a manag that writing rape in a story is the first step to getting rid of rape. Thats wrong. In the first place, u cannot control what a person wants to draw about and u have no right to push your morals unto an artist. It is not their job to make sure relationships are not toxic by completely removing rape because it is impossible. Rape happens whether you like it or not and putting that emotional burden on artists contributes to nothing. As i said, if u are so high in the clouds over something that mangakas cannot stop regardless if they put it in their work or not, WHY DONT U ACTUALLY GO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT INSTEAD OF READING MANGA THAT TRIGGERS your fragile soul. Why do you find it such a great use of our time to try and have a moral high ground over artists. Ur reading this illegally which is also a crime so why don't u start there and leave what artists want to draw up to them. Matter of fact go draw ur own manga if u want to be such a high and mighty angel. I swear

    BigLightsabers May 24, 2021 6:24 pm
    The fact that u think a artists live on this earth to satisfy your morals is something wrong im itself. You cannot tell an artist making a manag that writing rape in a story is the first step to getting rid of ... BigLightsabers

    Always want to act like angels when im sure that little boy or that little girl in real life or that woman or that man who need it in real life has no one because yall are on here trying to protect a fictional character. Go actually seek out rape victims and be their support if it bothers u so much. U cannot go into this manga and tell this dude, 'uk what u did was wrong"

    Actual victims of rape dont even care about this rn, just scared for their lives bcs most are threatened to keep their mouth shut. The severity of rape is no joke but u all only have mouths in a manga comment section and spend ur time doing this like it helps anything. Yall are major hypocrites to me. Without doubt i wish yall would shut up BCS ur just blabbering foolishness and think this is the root of the problem where it isnt anywhere close. The saviour mindset is the worst thing about people but dont actually do anything but speak. All bark and no bite. Rn an actual person is getting rape while ur here defending a fictional person and call it justice. Wtaf.

    ygirljae May 24, 2021 6:51 pm
    The fact that u think a artists live on this earth to satisfy your morals is something wrong im itself. You cannot tell an artist making a manag that writing rape in a story is the first step to getting rid of ... BigLightsabers

    the fact that people don’t enjoy rape to be romanticized called “don’t push your morals onto the artist”. Plz go fuck yourself ty

    BigLightsabers May 24, 2021 6:58 pm
    the fact that people don’t enjoy rape to be romanticized called “don’t push your morals onto the artist”. Plz go fuck yourself ty ygirljae

    I dont enjoy it either but im not a hypocrite so u can go fuck urself to hell and back respectfully.

    suwonii May 24, 2021 6:59 pm

    i kinda get the perspectives of both sides here honestly
    rape is most definitely something that should not be happening irl and romanticized in any way shape or form

    but at the same time i give so little thought into reading BL bc i honestly just read BL to pass time and also don’t see the usefulness of arguing about morals and the integrity of a fictional character in a genre ab people fucking each othering

    unfortunately, noncon sex is rather regular in BL and i don’t think spending time here shitting on it is gonna be of much help to any sort of moral development in society. it would be better to sign a petition or go to a protest somewhere if u wanna support rape victims

    suwonii May 24, 2021 7:00 pm

    the people saying stop screaming ab rape in the comments are NOT saying rape isn’t a problem. it is.
    they’re saying there’s no point in being so heated on an illegal manga site ab BL

    BigLightsabers May 24, 2021 7:09 pm
    the people saying stop screaming ab rape in the comments are NOT saying rape isn’t a problem. it is.they’re saying there’s no point in being so heated on an illegal manga site ab BL suwonii

    Thank you someone gets it.

    Jane May 24, 2021 8:38 pm
    The fact that u think a artists live on this earth to satisfy your morals is something wrong im itself. You cannot tell an artist making a manag that writing rape in a story is the first step to getting rid of ... BigLightsabers

    So it “emotionally burdens” artists to NOT draw rape? Ok. This isn’t just about manga; any media that tells a love story should not romanticize rape. If you enjoy fictional rape, good on you, but it is undeniable that this normalization does influence the perception of rape in relationships.