
Layla May 9, 2021 5:23 pm

I managed to read till chapter 26 and here I am. The image of the so-called intelligent n hard working FL hasn’t come across even once.

1. Idk if it’s the author or the translators or the even the artist or even all of them together but the manner in which her death happened in her previously & her life with cossette…all seems like new manga altogether in comparison with her isekai version. The manga has no flow. It is illogical.
2. The FL has been so flippant, it’s unbearable to read this manga. She seems to have no interest in even awakening her powers or even actively preparing for life after cossette. It’s like she’s an ordinary lady, who got isekaied into a fantasy world and she’s so fascinated that she forgot her gruesome death.
3. She only has about 2 months before cossette enters their lives & all her preparation amounts to is getting her grandfather to prepare her a safe house. A grandfather she doesn’t even trust in the first place. Like whaaaat!!
4.Normally after you’d get guillotined a person would be beyond traumatised. One would be in grief, despair & absolute fear. One would do anything to avoid that situation again. Like I wouldn’t sleep well, I wouldn’t rest until I know that I can remove myself from that path of ruin again. Like I would get my powers first, establish myself independently financially & location wise too. In contrast, the FL goes around like some wide eyed child who doesn’t know anything. The author implied she studied so much, where is that intellectual strategy to achieve her goals!! She rented an air balloon! Right!
5. Aesthetics is shit! She dresses like a matron! Umm I know that some readers r going to tell me that she doesn’t know the trend. That doesn’t matter okay! She has access to the best tailors n costume designers, so, her not knowing doesn’t matter. Also, the ball gown she wears, It supposedly represent high society best costume design. It is utterly horrendous & she looks like Christmas tree. That is the level of aesthetics we are dealing with.
6.and I get that the target audience are Asians, but I’m really getting sick of that phrase “please take care of me”. Nobles may etiquette but they are not servile. Such sentences do not fit in. I really feel authors should spend more time developing the world they are creating the story in. This one is so I’ll-developed.
7. And let’s not even get started on that vice-captain who the author is probably going to sell as an ML. No personality, no context n this fellow starts getting jealous for no reason! Like whhaaat!!!

Third class manga! Proceed with it only if you have stopped using your brain.

    Joanna N May 10, 2021 1:33 pm

    Yeah it's so strange she had many opportunities to out maneuver Cosette

    KTNG May 10, 2021 4:32 pm

    Right like what is with these manga where you go back in time after being killed and they just dont give a fuck. Not traumatized or anything they just begin to plan out revenge like what

    Kitkath May 10, 2021 6:47 pm

    I totally agree with you! I think this is a real cliche, and I can't really see any originality in this one. There's also not much strong points from the other characters/situations. Another thing is that she didn't work/think harder inorder to stop Cossette from making a scene on her brother's bday right? So that ifever she prevents that sudden appearance to happen, it could lessen the rumor and lesser damage to her reputation. Because you know, whatever manhwa/manhua you read, RUMOR will be the greatest killer/destroyer to a family, no matter how STRONG that family's MILITARY FORCE is

    Samy May 12, 2021 10:19 am

    main reason i don't really like this story

    Jikyoni May 14, 2021 7:38 am

    Even though I agree with some, in a way she is still traumatized, remember everyone deals with trauma differently. How she’s dealing with it is she’s doing her best to learn how cossete showed off her powers, she wants a safe haven so if anything goes down she has an escape and won’t end up under the guillotine again. She do want to gain her powers but remember she already sort of is as you can see but it’s not something she can force to happen it needs to happen by nature. She went her whole life chasing her father never once living her life her way and making friends so in a way closet used that against her as we seen in the past so she had to in a way work her around that and finally express herself to get the knights and maids and other nobles on her side so it would be easy for everyone to not jump on the closet train. (I was tired of trying to spell her name) the rest of the story I can’t talk on. I feel as if we should wait to see if it picks up even though we ar way least 40 something chapters in. If they are in some how picking up on the novel they are definitely leaving out certain bits because I see that happen a lot. ML (the knight) is not bad for all we know he probably has always found her doting but a bit scary because of the way she acted. And love at first sight does happen. I would know my ass been through it. But I would love to see if season 2 picks up better on storyline and character development and how FL makes sure to keep closet in check. I feel as if she will use her past memories to good use even more. Since she sort of used half of it. Since she was someone who was more into knights hip it sort of makes sense on why she’s behind trend. And remember not everyone cares about materialistic things. I quiet liked the blue dress and white dress. In times like those I’m sure 18 year old had to dress maturely while sticking to their age range. Sometimes I’m not going to lie I wish I saw more of the remarried empress style in these because she had fits. Her drip was just Sheeeeeeeeeeeeesh there’s another reincarnation story I know off about a girl who takes her sisters place of marriage because her whole family got beheaded due to the mistress and she had DRIIIIIIP. If I can remember it I’ll comment it on here you guys might like the FL better because she takes revenge revenge on mistress girl and the ML who lets her get beheaded.

    Love your opinions by the way. I enjoy seeing what people think on stories I read. Somehow I always find myself running to the comments.

    Jikyoni May 14, 2021 7:56 am

    The good (well to me) other female lead besides Javier from remarried empress is the other sort of isekai (not really) is called Lady to Queen. She went about things differently after being reincarnated. And she dresses nicely