That Boss

sweety1997 May 9, 2021 1:30 pm

seems like some kinda narcissistic bitch that can hide well that he is trash from himself and others, because he knows how to "act" like he isn't what he is.

I don`t fucking care what trauma you went through and that she is technically your ex and whatnot, you are a pretentious self righteous asshole.

He demands so much from Yoon and acts like he pleases sometimes like an overly doting husband, sometimes like a boyfriend and then when Yoon holds a mirror infant of him, he retracts acting like Yoon imagined everything and it was all just normal Sex-Friend Adult stuff. He should not be so "sensitive", not "overthink" and just enjoy the time they have left.


I wand to slap this bastard so hard. He is way worse or the same shit as Yoon´s ex. Because he knows what he went through, acted like he would respect that and PLAYS AROUND WITH HIM WITHOUT ONE OUNCE OF EMPATHY. He is a bitch. What he deserves is an Uke or Woman that makes him addicted to themselves while having zero feelings all the time, then throwing them away and disappearing forever. So he is there broken and eating the shit he shat x5.

(╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    PotatoPirate May 9, 2021 1:31 pm

    He sends mix signals and tells yoon that theyre just sex friends and once yoon is all cold he says he’s ready to accpet everything he does. Wtf man make up your mind! Are u trying to push and pull so u can keep yoon without that much commitment?

    Køkø May 9, 2021 1:45 pm

    I think u didnt saw the last chapter on raw #-.-) this moderfucker of CEO... his brain is poop, stoopid boss

    nami4ni May 9, 2021 2:22 pm

    u are talking the absolute truth ヾ(☆▽☆) i hate it when people project their trauma to people who has nothing to do with

    sweety1997 May 9, 2021 5:43 pm

    The people who disliked. I would like to know why? If you, at this point, still like the Director, you guys are either young horny teenagers without any experience and knowledge about humans, ethics, morals, relationships and "self", or just adults who still didn't learn jack-shit about life. The Seme in this story so far are undeniably self-entered assholes. The Ex became one from years of self-torment because he lost Yoon and could not find him and let himself be played by that psycho Uke and ended up hurting Yoon for no fucking reason and showing how he held Yoon at fault for making him go through years of suffering and then ending up stuck in a relationship with that psycho Uke. Boss is a bastard that just because he went through a painful experience, treats everyone like shit, expects them to give him their everything as long as he is satisfied, but not expect stuff in return, never criticise him and never not give him anything if he does not say "stop you are crossing the line". He is a selfish asshole. Only idiots would not see this. All I can say to people who still defend and like the Boss is, that I wish for you to at least once experience someone like that Boss. And remember this anonymous person who was telling you about such people. So pissed right now, because I just read another story with a shit ML who was presented like some awesome dude, even though he was bare minimum human....grrrrrr

    sweety1997 May 9, 2021 5:46 pm
    The people who disliked. I would like to know why? If you, at this point, still like the Director, you guys are either young horny teenagers without any experience and knowledge about humans, ethics, morals, re... sweety1997

    Forgot to add, he is not just selfish, but anyone who does point out his faults and how his actions make them feel stressed or like shit and hurts them, he ALWAYS has excuses and explanations and a way of making the person think it is their fault for misunderstanding him and feeling that way. Go and google "narcissistic personality disorder symptoms".....he is like a copy of such a person. Only plus is he is an intelligent and good looking and rich narcissist....

    Køkø May 10, 2021 4:36 am
    Forgot to add, he is not just selfish, but anyone who does point out his faults and how his actions make them feel stressed or like shit and hurts them, he ALWAYS has excuses and explanations and a way of makin... sweety1997

    good looking,rich... thanks to author sama but without it he would only be a piece of trash nothing else..