this comic is really special and interesting. the hero is described as a real villain, a ...

HARUHI_han May 13, 2016 7:05 pm

this comic is really special and interesting. the hero is described as a real villain, a fuck up cruel shit that no one can favor a little bit. But the idea is kinda original and the concept of the world is quite realistic. it's harsh but it's true.
I'm quite curious to what extent this guy can become and when will he reap what he sowed

    Dr. Scientist May 17, 2016 5:11 pm

    I'd say the seed was planted when that scar was left on the baby fluffypuff's eye. The MC sees them as animals, but watch it turn out that they're the more intelligent species, who are just incredibly peaceful, moreso than the elves, but even they will have a breaking point.