So. It's been a couple of days since I saw that this particular manga had an update and silly me for being curious. /SPOILER/ (well, not really) Don't read the latest update IF you don't want the question that has conflicted you since reading the manga or watching the anime to be answered. THAT ONE QUESTION THAT HAD A WHOLE DAMN EPISODE DEDICATED TO IT BUT TURNS OUT AS FRUITLESS.
If you still don't know, well, go ahead and read chap 700.6. BUT. You have been warned.
P.S Don't hate me because I posted this. I just wanted everyone else who haven't gotten their whole childhood ruined to be warned. After all, I would've gone on with my life perfectly happy that I didn't know about the -beeeep-. Naruto is part of my childhood (but who doesn't?) and I would've liked to know if I was really ending it by reading a seemingly random update. Sorry if I offended anyone. Love lots, guys.
So. It's been a couple of days since I saw that this particular manga had an update and silly me for being curious. /SPOILER/ (well, not really) Don't read the latest update IF you don't want the question that has conflicted you since reading the manga or watching the anime to be answered. THAT ONE QUESTION THAT HAD A WHOLE DAMN EPISODE DEDICATED TO IT BUT TURNS OUT AS FRUITLESS.
If you still don't know, well, go ahead and read chap 700.6. BUT. You have been warned.
P.S Don't hate me because I posted this. I just wanted everyone else who haven't gotten their whole childhood ruined to be warned. After all, I would've gone on with my life perfectly happy that I didn't know about the -beeeep-. Naruto is part of my childhood (but who doesn't?) and I would've liked to know if I was really ending it by reading a seemingly random update. Sorry if I offended anyone. Love lots, guys.