Agreed, I wanna see a scenario where the Boss flirts with Yhi Hyeok but doesn't know his flirting and at that moment Inseo also came in and saw the two were doing making Inseo Angry then dragging Yhi Hyeok out while being hold tight by his boss then Inseo giving him a death Eye look and Saying, "Let Go" then afterwards he lets go by shock then they took off. Moments later they went to the back alley Inseo still Furious why Yhi hyeok made him flirt like that, Yhi Hyeok then became confused and told Inseo to Calm down

Yhi Hyeok then said they'll talk about it later because of his work hour, suddenly Inseo Grabbed Yhi Hyeok pushed him into the wall Kissing him angrily. Yhi hyeok the pushed him with a teary look why Inseo did it. Inseo then grabbed his hand and took off, Moments later they arrived in Yhi Hyeoks apartment and Psuhed Yhi hyeok to his bed

They did it out of Inseo's anger and afterwards they had finished, Yhi hyeok then rolled in his covers to the covers to the corner of his bed trembling and shaking. Inseo then saw where his going and went on top of him and hurriedly removed his covers still angry but then Realised Yhi hyeok was intensely crying quitely, Inseo realised then what he did and immediately hugged Inseo with him shaking from what he did and Immediately Apologized many times to Yhi Hyeok. After a while Yhi Hyeok calmed down and saw Inseo hugging him tight with his face in his chest still shaken a little
I need a conflict like the boss to make them realize their feelings and just get together