Following your curiosity, and being plain stupid are two different things, she constantly expose herself to danger, so Simon have every right to be angry, put yourself in his shoes, if your most important person would do dangerous stuff every time you are not looking at her, would you be calm and collected? I don't think so, and Yes it was arranged marriage, but Simon truly loves her, and he is always saving her from situations she put herself into.
She even recognized her fault in this chapter, so I'm not sure why you still are trying to justify her actions, and put some blame on Simon, he is not in the wrong, she is.
In my opinion there is only one fault in Simon, and it's his taste in women.
She is inconsiderate, wierd little thing, she is constantly doing wierd things, and needs to be protected.
Saving fl from danger/wierd situations by ml in Shoujo manga is cliche af, but when author do it correctly it can be rly nice scene, but in this title it's quite irritating, because almost every time it's fl fault that she is in that kind of situation, and for me as a Reader it is so damn annoying at this point, she doesn't think about anything, and anyone but herself, and doesn't learn from her past mistakes.
So I don't see why it's wrong that Simon exploded, and yelled at her, she never said anything about not wanting to be his fiance, she accepted him, and he accepted her, they agreed to be in this relationship, so they should think about each other, and how their actions can affect their partners, Simon does that, but fl is oblivious about how much pain, and worry she is causing to Simon.
Spending hours with guy that confessed to her, in a place that Simon couldn't find her is also her fault, and another proof that she is inconsiderate.
That is why I rly like this chapter, because finally she understood her fault, and maybe from Now on she will be a little smarter in her actions.
Lol it's my longes comment ever xD

What she doesn’t understand is that she is being reckless for her stories furthermore there is a fine line between fantasy and someone’s personal affairs...she can’t treat them like materials for her story. I’m not saying Simeon is the only right one in this relationship...it’s not how it works, both of them have things they need to improve but for starters she needs to stop putting herself in those situation where her life is in danger? Also as Simeon said...he doesn’t understand if she honestly views him as a lover or she likes this feelings of Moe as she speaks of. Honestly I would have no patients if my fiancé who claims to love me keeps putting themselves I dangerous situation and I have to constantly save them. I don’t think people want their loved ones to hurt so he has every right to be angry

you’re absolutely correct bestie. if i were marielle, this would have been my last straw (no even before this would have been the last straw LMAO) like literally why the hell are you screaming now??? he gets mad at her so often and disguises it w “oh i’m sowwy i was just worried for u >.<“ like if you don’t get ur dumbass out of here imma start swinging.. i’m glad you were able to convey all i was feeling too :,)

Bro, he's the mf that wanted to marry her smh. She could have happily lived all her life without marring him and let's be honest, with her personality she definitely wouldn't have fallen for him if she wasn't constrained to marry him and of course because of plot.
The mf never even asked if she wanted to marry him in the beginning. He just isn't a good ml, not only he's way older than her (8 or more years difference, which in my book that a whole fu*kin lot) but he also expects her to act different than her usual self when that character was what made him fall for her. Tf did he expect??

That's the reality of stories from this period of time, parents were picking who will marry who, and that's it, she never said that she don't want to marry him, so I don't get your point at all, and there is nothing wrong with him wanting her to change her ways, because he fell in love with someone different, someone who was driven by her curiosity, and intelect, but now she is just stupid woman-child with absolutely no common sense, if it wasn't for Simone, she would be dead, kidnapped or sold off somewhere.
So u think that he is a bad ml because he wants to correct her ways and teach her common sense?
If that's so I'm done with this conversation, couse I'm not like Simon, I dont have a patience to teach children what is right, and what is wrong.

I see you really have a problem with this Age gap, and this is rly wierd for me, couse it's not even a big difference, like 8 yrs, seriously it's such a big Brother to you? And BTW you can be adult and still be childish, naive and stupid. Her Age is not a problem, it's her personality.
And she even realized this herself so in latest chapter, so yeah, good arguments mate, "Age gap, forced marriage, Age gap, he yelled at her, Age gap, she would be happy alone".
BTW. Few days ago I found manga called sesame salt & pudding, in this manga there is a huge Age gap, fl is 22 ml is 40/42, so it's over 20 yrs between them, and still fl is little childish, but she is not stupid and have common sense, she is thinking about her actions, and how she could affect other people, it's really funny, realistic and wholesome manga, where fl is not irritating like Clara.
I would highly recommend you to read it, but if 8 years is too much for you, then this title could melt you like snowflake on the skin.

Imo they're equally at fault?
In Marielle's case she's a bit sheltered, and she's still only 18. Her naivety is something she will grow out of. She's at the peak of her youth, engrossed in her passion. I don't dislike her because her character feels real in a different sense. Like are all 18 year olds going to be smart and self-sufficient? No. Most 18 year olds I know are dumbasses.
Just like how she has a difficult time communicating with Simeon, likewise he also has difficulties communicating with her. Yelling at her (especially partially out of anger and jealousy) is clearly not very effective with her, all it does is make her terrified. He loves her but he's also not particularly acting like an adult of the two despite being 8 years her senior. Instead of nitpicking all her problem areas, he could've alternatively told her what to do better next time. Just because you realize you're in the wrong doesn't mean you'll automatically know how to problem solve it.

Even so I still think that most of the fault is on her side, when I was a kid, and I did something rly stupid (playing with fire xD) my elders yelled at me, and I never did it again.
Simon was rly patient with her, he spoke to her many times, and she promised that she will be more careful, but she broke this promise yet again, so I don't think that him yelling at her was wrong, yes she was scared, but not scared of him, she was scared that their relationship will now break, and finally she understood her mistakes, so in my opinion he did the right thing, because speaking to her normalny doesn't work as we have seen.
Shock therapy is sometimes the only way, but only when it's justified, like in this case.
Btw. I was moron at her age as well xD but still I could correct myself when I did something wrong, and Im a dude so... Girls are more mature, and Clara is rly unrealistic for me, because personally I never knew girl this oblivious to her actions.
I'm not saying that Simon is saint, but for me Clara is at fault most of the time.

He was feeling a mix of both a mix of worry at first, but then intense jealousy and anger over a separate matter, to which he admitted.
She wasn't particularly in any imminent danger in this case, she was sent undercover by his highness. It felt like he was more furious she was alone with Lupin than over any potential danger she was in. They're both in the same darn house, it's not like he's mile's away. And realistically you can't tell someone to never be alone at all times that's not possinle---I think his highness is right, that Simeon is overly protective.
Also I digress. You are you. I assure you, girls are equally dumbasses, but in different ways. Yelling at children is something adults tend to do. It's effective because it instills the memory of fear, and not necessarily the lesson.
I really don't think she was in the wrong this time. What lesson did she even learn? He was mostly angry she was alone with Lupin, and she was apologetic for it, but all that is, is her feeling apologetic for his jealousy. Lupin can come and go as he please wherever. Is she going to apologize for every time she runs into him?
I think it's a bit ridiculous to blame her for this case in particular.

I agree with most of your opinion, still in this case maybe she wasn't in danger, but in other cases she was, so it's not his fault that he is so overly protective right now because of her previous reckless actions.
And he started to yell at her before she mentioned Lupin, so we can assume that he was mostly pissed at her leaving without telling him, ofc he was jealous, and angry because she was alone with him, as you said he even admitted it.
And I don't agree with you about her being apologetic about his jealousy, she was sorry because she understood that it was her action that caused him worry, she even admitted that she shouldn't be alone with Lupin, and also she was sorry about breaking the promise, and she maybe only run into Lupin, but she choose to go with him, she could go to her room, to warm herself, but she went with him because he is interesting to her, and once again it shows that her curiosity is more important to her than anything, even Simon, she didn't even considered that he may be franticly looking for her, or how he would feel about her being alone with Lupin.
Lupin even told them that he have feelings for her, and he could be accually dangerous person, at this point in the story we don't know a lot about him, so Simons fears are very rational.

Yes, 8 years is too much when one side has just "technically" became an adult and the other has been one for 8 mf years. Can't you see some kind of power imbalance here?
Also 22 and 42? Yeah, you know what, no offence but y'all daddy issues gold diggers can keep your fantasy "mature" old man that doesn't looks like he's 20 while the rest of us go for people our age. It's definitely going to be a lot more fun rather than changing adult diapers in a few years.

I'm sorry but what other instance of being reckless??? This is being really unfair to Marielle.
The only other remote time she was in any potential danger was when she went back to look for her "friend" Cedric, who was missing from the scene, whom she didn't know was Lupin -- whom SIMEON didn't warn her was suspicious even though he knew since the beginning.
I see this as him putting power pressure over her even if he doesn't mean to. She apologized for worrying him, yeah sure, but I don't think he's in the right either for trying to put those kind of restraints on her in the first place.
So she wasn't in her room --- she's still in the mansion. I think it's a bit much.
Lmfao people being like “how would u feel if ur fiancé did this” motherfuckers I wouldn’t be in a relationship with a person like that To Begin With. Not Simeon getting credit for doing the bare minimum after pursuing her, she didn’t chase him and tie him down- from the very beginning the engagement was *his choice* based on *his liking for her* and simply an arranged engagement from her side. Ofc she grew to like him, but again she didn’t willingly enter into this arrangement (her father accepted it for her so that she’s not an embarrassment to the fam and whatnot in the first chapter) but was okay with it when her fam said “okay this is what is happening”. She wasn’t consulted (which is, historically accurate). She’s the type of person who could maybe even go on her whole life happily writing novels without clinging onto any dude, but ofc that’s not what happened.
“Relationships are supposed to be 50/50 or equal”, yeah when was it ever equal to begin with. Given the historical context in which it was set- lol, equality, what a huge joke. Again, Simeon knew exactly who he was getting engaged with- a person who can do almost anything for a good story and has very meddlesome tendencies- and now he expects her to change to suit his standards overnight. She is trying to change because she loves him, but old habits die hard and change take time. Or he didn’t know, still his fault- why did he get engaged with a person he barely knew and then get pissed when she acts like herself? So no, not gonna call him mother Teresa or whatever him for doing the bare minimum of putting up with the person *he decided* to get engaged with. And he shouted again at a person who generally doesn’t respond back in kind and instead just gets scared, great, so he also learnt nothing. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶