Then better leave now.

#teamstamina:infinite lol
the main couple in this author's works are always as flat as a cardboard she does a better job at writing side characters imo. cain was the best character ever introduced and now they're gonna waste his potential cause they gotta make the shitty ml with zero redeeming qualities more likable. i'm pretty sure he's gonna be nice for a few chapters and everything he did will be forgotten then. this is the first time i'm genuinely having a hard time understanding why people like a character

True. The lu ran xian(don't remember his name well) was bat shit crazy, but he was the most interesting in the manga guy like you. I feel the same here. I still don't know why the main couple even like each other. They know nothing about each other. Or they didn't even spend quality time together, that didn't involve sex.
yall are mad agg. all i see is people bashing each other about these tops. how what if cain switches up? wtf yall gonna do then? what is yahwi becomes nice? wtf yall gonna do then? just shut the hell up and read the story.