I don’t want pink panther to have a relationship with any of the hot guys I don’t want...

Tacosaretasty May 8, 2021 6:34 pm

I don’t want pink panther to have a relationship with any of the hot guys I don’t want to see his happy relationship in this story ik it’s super rude of me but he annoys me so much

    Hugu May 8, 2021 6:41 pm

    Tbh same, I skipped the pink hairs story.
    Tho I still believe that everyone deserves happiness but I just dont wanna see it. So I wont wish that he doesnt have one, I just choose to close my eyes when it happens

    Levixin May 8, 2021 7:08 pm
    Tbh same, I skipped the pink hairs story. Tho I still believe that everyone deserves happiness but I just dont wanna see it. So I wont wish that he doesnt have one, I just choose to close my eyes when it happen... Hugu

    Same, he annoys me to no ends? I'm skipping whatever tf side story he has.

    Tacosaretasty May 8, 2021 7:38 pm
    Tbh same, I skipped the pink hairs story. Tho I still believe that everyone deserves happiness but I just dont wanna see it. So I wont wish that he doesnt have one, I just choose to close my eyes when it happen... Hugu

    YES That’s what I mean like everyone does deserve happiness but I don’t want to see it

    yuhi_sama May 8, 2021 10:45 pm

    Dont worry its not just you
    He is one supperficial pushy ass bitch