Oops, not for me.

Zihvuda May 8, 2021 2:47 pm

Seems to be Toxic male leads (tops? Semes?) all the way down. I had to stop reading because of the second couple's top. He appears to be jealous of his love interest's devotion to his kid (or the kid his love interest has raised), so yeah, hard pass. For all of ya'll who are into overly possessive jealous dirt bags, enjoy! This was written for you~!
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*✲゚*。 ⋆
It takes a bit before we really see their true colors, but I'm sure the build up is worth it. Also bullshit power plays are gonna be a thing, so look forward to that too.

    Honeybunny01q May 8, 2021 5:13 pm

    I’m confused. I haven’t read this in a long time so maybe I forgot but I don’t remember anyone being toxic. But I respect your opinion

    Minzie__ May 8, 2021 10:11 pm

    did you by any means misunderstand the plotΣ(  ̄□ ̄||)
    Nothing of that sort happens here bruh what are on about. Also the second couple aren't even that focused on here it's mostly about the main couple so where did you get that view from???

    Minzie__ May 8, 2021 10:15 pm
    did you by any means misunderstand the plotΣ(  ̄□ ̄||)Nothing of that sort happens here bruh what are on about. Also the second couple aren't even that focused on here it's mostly about the main couple so ... Minzie__

    Ehh but you do you ig. That's your opinion
    ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    Zihvuda May 11, 2021 4:33 am
    Ehh but you do you ig. That's your opinion ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ Minzie__

    Did the top of the main couple not threaten the poor halfling with firing him if they didn't date? Yes he didn't actually mean it, but halfling took him seriously and *that's* why he agreed to it. Did main top not slam the halfling into a car even though he knew he was sick and weak, just cause he was disappeared on him after a night of sex? "I need sex to survive"? Yes! He did! That is toxic?? Yes the top had a right to be angry, but not that fucking angry! I admit i read past that because i was hoping it wasn't as bad as it seemed, and he does seem to genuinely care, but nope, then the other guy entered the scene. The other top had the head vampire's blood the whole time. The blood that would supposedly save his love interest's kid's life, and does not give it to him, even though he'd been begged to get it (and also paid in sex to get it too)! (TOOOOOXIC!) Instead side top gives it to main top to turn him into a vampire. I stopped there cause fuck these guys. If it turns out good for all of them, whatever, but please don't try to gaslight me by saying they weren't horrendous pieces of garbage at the beginning. Couldn't get passed that shit.

    Zihvuda May 11, 2021 5:40 am
    I’m confused. I haven’t read this in a long time so maybe I forgot but I don’t remember anyone being toxic. But I respect your opinion Honeybunny01q

    Might I suggest re-reading the first chapters where main top threatens with firing the halfling unless he dates him, despite halfling wanting noting more than a sex buddy that isn't him? Halfling never called him on it, so he never knew he wouldn't actually do it. Or how main top slammed sick halfling up against a car for the crime of leaving without a word in the morning? And not just shoved, he slammed him up against that car hard.
    This isn't an opinion. It's fact. It may have gotten better later, and you may like the story, but that is still horrendous behavior.

    Minzie__ May 11, 2021 6:16 am
    Pffft... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!Did the top of the main couple not threaten the poor halfling with firing him if they didn't date? Yes he didn't actually mean it, but halfling took him seriously and *that's* why he... Zihvuda

    Bro these are legit fictional characters(also what's with your writing, it's cringe). You shouldn't let something so irrelevant get into your head this hard yk.
    Just chill this is just one out of hundreds strories here. Move on

    Zihvuda May 11, 2021 5:18 pm
    Bro these are legit fictional characters(also what's with your writing, it's cringe). You shouldn't let something so irrelevant get into your head this hard yk.Just chill this is just one out of hundreds strori... Minzie__

    Legit fictional characters expected to comport with some degree of realism in order to be compelling and believable. Sorry, not sorry for the cringe. =) You could have not reacted to my comment at all, but instead chose to ask me if i'd misunderstood the plot. You can like toxic shitty characters if you like "bro", and you can like terrible stories too "bro", but don't lie to yourself. Or try to dismiss the toxic behavior displayed by certain characters to be my "opinion". It's toxic, and you apparently like it, and are welcome to enjoy it if you so choose.

    Honeybunny01q May 11, 2021 5:24 pm
    Might I suggest re-reading the first chapters where main top threatens with firing the halfling unless he dates him, despite halfling wanting noting more than a sex buddy that isn't him? Halfling never called h... Zihvuda


    Minzie__ May 11, 2021 7:26 pm
    Legit fictional characters expected to comport with some degree of realism in order to be compelling and believable. Sorry, not sorry for the cringe. =) You could have not reacted to my comment at all, but inst... Zihvuda

    My profile do be matching my reaction while reading these lmao.
    Ugh kid just grow up and move on. If you think this is toxic you won't survive the real world

    Minzie__ May 11, 2021 7:51 pm
    Legit fictional characters expected to comport with some degree of realism in order to be compelling and believable. Sorry, not sorry for the cringe. =) You could have not reacted to my comment at all, but inst... Zihvuda

    Also it's a story about legit vampires( ̄∇ ̄") only a dumbass would expect it to be BeLiEvAbLE

    Zihvuda May 12, 2021 2:42 pm
    Also it's a story about legit vampires( ̄∇ ̄") only a dumbass would expect it to be BeLiEvAbLE Minzie__

    Fully grown thanks! ^^ It's all down hill from here~. Also, only a dumbass who doesn't know shit about stories would say that. But sure, you go ahead and pretend in-wrold logic doesn't exist just to win an argument with a stranger. Also wow, did you really just say that about the toxic elements in this story?? Did you really just question my survivability in the "real world" based on *this*?? Buddy get some therapy. Like seriously. If someone treats you like these fictional characters treat their equally fictional love interests (in the beginning of this story anyway), do. not. stay. Leave! Find a halfway house, a shelter, a friend, a hotline, a restraining order. Please, for your own personal health and safety, do not think any of this is ok in the real word! It is no-one's job to put up with extremely shitty behavior just because they're in a relationship with said person. Cutting toxic people out of your life doesn't make you lesser. It makes your life better!
    Unless of course you say that because you're the one threatening/blackmailing people and or bodily slamming people against walls hard enough to give them concussions. In which case, it would make sense why you'd downplay such behavior.

    Minzie__ May 12, 2021 2:59 pm
    Fully grown thanks! ^^ It's all down hill from here~. Also, only a dumbass who doesn't know shit about stories would say that. But sure, you go ahead and pretend in-wrold logic doesn't exist just to win an argu... Zihvuda

    YES EXACTLY Now go say that to the characters! And stream butter on May 21st

    Zihvuda May 12, 2021 7:20 pm
    YES EXACTLY Now go say that to the characters! And stream butter on May 21st Minzie__

    Why would I say anything to comic book characters? I was saying it to you, cause you actually exist and apparently needed to know these things. I'm afraid I don't know what you mean about butter, or May 21st, but it must be significant to you, so all the best! I hope whatever's happening on the 21st goes well for you! ^^

    everyday_means_everyday May 19, 2021 9:07 pm

    I think the "i'll fire you if u don't go out with me" thing was like a joke just to have his attention

    Zihvuda May 24, 2021 6:12 am
    I think the "i'll fire you if u don't go out with me" thing was like a joke just to have his attention everyday_means_everyday

    I'm afraid not. In his head he was saying "please buy it, please buy it." >__< as in: top wasn't actually going to fire him, no, but our wilting flower of a halfling believed him and thus agreed to out with him through blackmail. Our halfling never found out the truth, and the top never told him he wasn't serious about the firing.

    everyday_means_everyday June 25, 2021 12:48 am
    I'm afraid not. In his head he was saying "please buy it, please buy it." >__< as in: top wasn't actually going to fire him, no, but our wilting flower of a halfling believed him and thus agreed to out wi... Zihvuda

    Yep, but you shouldn't take that seriously.
    It's fiction and people shouldn't expect to learn something from it or it to be too real.
    These comics are just made to entertainment not to teach lesson about life.
    So yeah, it's toxic (not really in this story in particular), it's whatever you want but you should take it as it is

    Zihvuda June 28, 2021 5:51 pm
    Yep, but you shouldn't take that seriously.It's fiction and people shouldn't expect to learn something from it or it to be too real.These comics are just made to entertainment not to teach lesson about life.So ... everyday_means_everyday

    To be honest, I'm not sure how to respond to this. In my original comment i stated that this story had some toxic elements, and decided to drop it. From my understanding it's still very much the beginning, but I couldn't overlook these things and stopped. People then came trying to gaslight me by saying they weren't that bad. I disagreed, because the things happened and they were bad, and they were beyond my tolerance level (obviously not theirs, possibly not yours). Plot contrivance made it so that everything apparently turned out fine, happy end! Or so I have extrapolated. That's fine. If people like the story, that's fine. It is their right to like it despite the I guess initial(?) toxic behavior of certain characters. Fine. I don't care. Good for them. What pissed me off about the other comments and yours was people trying to belittle or outright deny the things that happened at the beginning. They did happen. The characters got over it, got together and were happy (again i assume this ended happily). That's it.
    All that said, what do you want? Me to like this story despite the elements that put me off? For me to not be dislike the things i don't like, or to tolerate things i find intolerable in this story?
    I realise this reply may sound aggressive, possibly even angry, but I assure you that's not the case. I'm genuinely befuddled by what it was you were trying to impart with your comment, cause it just sounds like "Stop thinking and feeling things and just like this like the rest of us do." ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    everyday_means_everyday June 28, 2021 6:16 pm
    To be honest, I'm not sure how to respond to this. In my original comment i stated that this story had some toxic elements, and decided to drop it. From my understanding it's still very much the beginning, but ... Zihvuda

    Wait, what?
    I just expressed my opinion like everyone does.
    If you don't like it it's fine, everyone has their own preferences, right?
    I'm not here to cause a fuss, judge you or else.
    I was just expressing my thoughts
    I just don't belive fiction has to necessarily teach people how to behave in relationships, that's all!
    And I just want to say that obviously that behaviour is toxic and I do not approve it in any form when it comes to reality

    Zihvuda June 28, 2021 6:26 pm
    Wait, what?I just expressed my opinion like everyone does.If you don't like it it's fine, everyone has their own preferences, right?I'm not here to cause a fuss, judge you or else.I was just expressing my thoug... everyday_means_everyday

    Ah, alrighty then. We're on the same page.
    I don't agree about toxic behavior in stories being portrayed positively, cause it does affect people, and can cause some to think it's alright in reality. Otherwise it's whatever.

    everyday_means_everyday June 29, 2021 12:27 am
    Ah, alrighty then. We're on the same page.I don't agree about toxic behavior in stories being portrayed positively, cause it does affect people, and can cause some to think it's alright in reality. Otherwise it... Zihvuda

    yep, I agree
    btw I apologize for all those "just" that I'm noticing after 6 hours
    I was to tired to write in a decent way (๑•ㅂ•)و✧