Guess, the writer knows but didn't tell the author yet. But that might just be an excuse. They might just go with whatever is popular. Haha definitely will. They are already theorizing how Cain is the spawn of devil, and swooning over every little thing Yahwi does calling it character development. I saw posts saying how yahwi is slowly developing as a character because he smiled at Jooin.

I would have been okay if yahwi has atleast regretted his mistakes and apologized. I mean people keep comparing this to BJ alex, but he is nothing like ah jiwon. Ah jiwon from the start was clear in communicating what he wanted out of the relationship. Yahwi just dodged it from start to end. Jiwon when they broke up regretted his actions, realised he did love him. Yahwi still doesn't do either and calls Jooin a thing that was in his hands. After breakup, Jiwon did not go around bothering dong-gyun. Yahwi on the other hand, invites himself into Jooin's space. And yet hasn't said sorry once and keeps talking smack about cain or how good they were together or how he treats him better than anyone else (like is this dude that delusional to think Jooin liked how he was being treated before).

with just seeing that who the hell would even compare the two to each other? i hope yahwi becomes aware of his wrongdoings and apologizes to jooin, but i hope he doesn't end up with him. i really dont get why people are team yahwi and maybe its because he's unfortunately probably who jooin will end up with but are people not comprehending what he's doing??
tbh it really sucks that yahwi is probably endgame because cain is a way better choice in my opinion