Absurd the whole thing....

pikachu addicted to caffeine May 8, 2021 1:13 am

The uploader talks about how people should be grateful that they upload and if they want it faster they should buy the chapters and all this bully bs. But as soon as someone else uploads before them, they throw a hissy fit about their claim to the project. They also trying to lecture people about respect when they precede to namecall someone and inslut them just becuase the uploaded before them. The amount of entitlement is ridiculous. At this point even i would be willing to upload the chapters, because this is absurd.

    Kaori May 8, 2021 7:06 am

    Hey, I get the part of the insults I think it was out of proportion. But it's not absurd to be angry when someone does not respect your uploads. As far as I know reading all this years, is basic manners to ask the original uploader if it's dropped. Not to mention they always mentioned at the end of the chapters that they wait 3 days to upload to give the author time on lezhin. All the comments the uploader received where insults. That's absurd when you are willingly paying for others to read