All the whining about the emperor is straight up annoying. I get that some of you would cl...

LaNansha May 7, 2021 4:28 pm

All the whining about the emperor is straight up annoying. I get that some of you would clearly rather have a story from no one but the FL’s point of view, but I’m personally happy we finally got to see the story from the emperor’s side. What, did y’all expect a character who had the complexity of being kind and warm to her in her dreams and yet seen as nothing but ruthless based off rumors she heard, to have a happy backstory so you’d have an excuse to keep hating him? Is that good storytelling to y’all?

And a lot of y’all are talking as if this was meant to be some redemption backstory, but what for? It takes two to tango. FL got in bed with an emperor, then got pregnant with his children and decided to keep them from him as soon as she knew she was pregnant. Then she ran because:

1) the rumors about him freaked her out (yes, he said some shxt about killing a woman who claimed to be pregnant with his child, but while it explains why she freaked, readers should still be able to tell that he said this because he knew such women would be lying and lying to an emperor is a killable offense)

2) she’d been stressing about her pregnancy all on her own (if she’d at least confided in dream-Kyle, then her anger would be a lot more justified, but she didn’t. They both lied to each other and she’s mad because she got caught.)

3) she felt betrayed since she started having feelings for the version of him in her dreams (can’t blame her for that)

Meanwhile, she ran away with his children and vilified him to them. So what, she’s better than him because he already knew she was lying and she didn’t have evil rumors circulating about her?

    mela989898 May 7, 2021 5:54 pm

    Thank you! Everyone was blaming him for everything but she is just as guilty for a lot of their misunderstanding. He tried to get her to accept him the best way he knew how because he knew from jump she would not give him a chance.

    Chances are the reason for killing women who said they were knocked up with his kids was because he didn't sleep with them or they trapped/tricked/drugged him. It happens so often in these period stories but that painted him as a total bad guy not that he is not f'ed up just saying that there could be a reason behind the rumors.

    Takucchi May 8, 2021 1:51 am

    THIS. This is why I didn't understand why it made out that FL is THE ONLY victim here. All she did was run away and the moment she knew it was the Emperor she points fingers immediately and jump to the gun that the Emperor IS the ONLY ONE who did wrong.

    I like the FL's spunkiness don't get me wrong, but her prior actions that lead to where they are now annoyed the heck outta me.

    LaNansha May 8, 2021 4:09 am

    Haha, well I’m glad to find like-minded people. The comments seemed filled with people who weren’t sharing my thoughts on this.

    Eepww May 8, 2021 3:56 pm

    1) she didn't know it was him 2) he threatened to kill her. Yeah Kill 3) he needs a therapist 4) he is toxic ( trying to control her, the creepy dream shit, etc . ). 5) yeah i would run if I were in her situation too. He made it seem like " talking " was not an option.

    I don't think she could of really done much else bc of the way he was acting. He gave no signs of " love " or anything towards her. Yeah he should of been more open with her so she would of seen that " oh he's not gonna kill me ". But nah he stayed the same, so she left. Pretty valid to me.

    Ntm he just talked about keeping the kids to bring her to him, which is also toxic and creepy af

    mela989898 May 9, 2021 3:05 am
    1) she didn't know it was him 2) he threatened to kill her. Yeah Kill 3) he needs a therapist 4) he is toxic ( trying to control her, the creepy dream shit, etc . ). 5) yeah i would run if I were in her situati... Eepww

    When did he threaten to kill her?

    Eepww May 9, 2021 4:22 pm
    When did he threaten to kill her? mela989898

    At the beginning, when she asked what he would do if someone were to say they were pregnant with his kids. He said that they would be lying and he would kill them for treason.

    LaNansha May 9, 2021 5:35 pm
    At the beginning, when she asked what he would do if someone were to say they were pregnant with his kids. He said that they would be lying and he would kill them for treason. Eepww

    I literally mentioned this in my point #1... all my point already addressed why I disagree with those who look at the emperor like he’s some kind of villain who happens to be the only one at fault on this entire situation.

    As far as your own #1 point, she might not have known it was him when she first pulled him into a dance, but what makes you think she didn’t know it was him once she got a good look at his face? Nobody knows this for a fact. If she cried out “yes your highness” during the act, how would you know? This isn’t smut, so we’ll never see that. And why is that even an excuse? She still slept with a man, tried to keep his children away from him, vilified him to them and then lied to him by saying they were dead. And that’s okay because... what? The emperor said he’d killed someone who pretended he bedded them? You do know that lying to an emperor was indeed a killable offense, right? He’s royalty, not just some regular boss.

    And as far as the dreams go (your #4), that’s up to interpretation. I believe he was trying to get close to her in his own way and you think it’s manipulation. Either way, the fact is she felt betrayed because she started having feelings for the version of him she met in the dreams. So she didn’t just run because she was afraid of him, she also ran because finding out that truth, actually broke her heart. Also I’m not sure why you’re expecting him to be well versed in shows of affection (as far as reality goes) after seeing what his past was like and how awkward he is with his own kids.

    To be honest, I don’t care that she ran, I care that she kept his kids away from him and then told them he was some kind of monster when she has no proof to back it up. You just don’t do that shxt to kids, especially when they’re bound to find out that the big bad monster is actually their father. She knows nothing about the emperor and I’m just glad that she’ll get to see different sides of him soon (seen some raws).

    Eepww May 10, 2021 4:49 pm
    I literally mentioned this in my point #1... all my point already addressed why I disagree with those who look at the emperor like he’s some kind of villain who happens to be the only one at fault on this ent... LaNansha

    Yeah ik lol. I was replying to the other person bc they asked when he threatened to kill her lmao.

    And I was just saying that his past doesnt justify his wrongs. Everything thing he did to her, in my mind was mainly toxic. Yeah if he was open about it and and she saw that, the probably would of been fine, but bc he wasnt and he was a creep about it, it caused her to run.

    And sometimes kids are better off without one parents, in cases of toxic / abusive parents, or because the parent is literally unstable enough to care / even think about their kids.
    Not saying this applies to him. But he is toxic in my opinion.
    And I mean she did have proof. Granted she didn't know his back story, but I mean the dude killed his whole family, which is monsterous ( I dunno if I spelled that correctly )

    But yeah she knows nothing about him except rumors, which says his is cruel and a monster. And by so far what she has seen, the dreams and how he tries controlling her, yeah I would say he's a monster too.
    She has proof to back it up, but like I said she didn't know his back story, not that that would justify his actions, after all he is technically a murder.

    ( sorry I'm out of order ) but at the time he didn't know she was pregnant. He just thought , I'm assuming, oh she's the girl I slept with, lemme have her, kinda. I don't think her being pregnant crossed his mind that's why he said that. But it still scares the shit outta her as if would of me if I were in that situation. But always it is a story and unfortunately they will end up together, he probably won't repent and she will probably just forgive him, which isn't what should happen bc that would be a shitty ending but whatever.

    I'd be happy if he atleast would repent for a WHILE about his actions. I mean it was quite childish really. Getting angry you can't have something at jail age is white sad, granted she was pregnant but like I said above, kids are better off without toxic / abusive parents and after the time, she had no clue how he would treat them, I mean he talked about using them as , Basically, bait to catch her. Like wtf crazy much. But yeah to each their own opinion