can we talk about the series being updated and then erasing chapters? literally erasing a ...

mako May 7, 2021 3:32 am

can we talk about the series being updated and then erasing chapters? literally erasing a chapter uploaded less than an hour ago, or to continue to update when the last chapters have been erased???
I've seen this happen at least 20 times in the last two days, tf is going on??

    Hvevev May 7, 2021 3:45 am

    Ah, sometimes people upload over translations groups who are already updating the series, which causes chapter updates to get complicated.

    So typically chapters that are just uploaded by a random person without permission will get deleted and the original translation group will replace it with a most likely better quality and or more accurate translation.

    It can also be confusing if more people upload at once due to it messing up the schedule for updates.