THANK YOU!!! And any personwith minimal brain function can see how healthy the whole environment is around them. How they can talk and work through things. They may look like babies, but they are almost 18 already. There's no rape, no abuse and no violence AT ALL. It's like I'm reading a COMPLETE DIFFERENT manga from all these people!

Yea people need to respect other cultures.
If it's set in a universe where the age of consent is lower, then so be it. You may dislike it but that doesn't mean anyone is in the wrong. It's just your own opinion that disagree with it.
The same way some people are against homosexuality. Some of them says it's wrong but that's not true. It's just that they disagree with it and they are arrogants thinking everyone should do as they want.
Oh my god, can y'all zip your shit and shut the fuck up. Just for once shut the shutting fuck up. Look, I get it, you HATE pedophilia in general. Every sane person HATES pedophilia. But can you actually make that brain work and stop associating AGE GAP=PEDOPHILIA just like that.
Did y'all ever think about that not every culture is western? I dont know how many times will other people drill in your head about the age of consent in Japan. Of course, the authors will follow their own culture! I dont mean it if I sound racist but this is the problem with western fandom, most of them (NOT ALL) are internet SJWs who cry even if there is no issue from the start. You'll mostly see no uproar from the asian, latino and other fandoms. If you want stories that will actually follow through your ways of living then stick to your own!
Grooming? How is this grooming when both Masahiro and Kousuke have mutual feelings for each other? When we were first given Masahiro's POV and how ge feels for him? If you want to drive yourself nuts with unnecessary disgust, then do it because theyre student and teacher which leads me to the question
And again, learn to differentiate fiction and reality. The FBI wont burst outta your door just because you read this. There is no real life consequences if you read this fictional pEdOpHiLia. So do us a favor and yeey yourself out of this and let people enjoy the story