Not too keen on this dynamic just yet...

Hasty☄ May 6, 2021 11:32 pm

For now, Dowon seems to be pulling all the weight in the relationship while Beom stays super self-oriented. The least he could've done was apologize for kissing him without consent last time and then clocking him because once Dowon understands the boundary, stops watching his lives and keeps away, I don't see Beom making the effort to express himself or even try to push the relationship forward... we can only hope for now. Maybe things will fall into place as we know more about their pasts.

Ps- very personal opinion but I dislike it when people automatically go to the offensive regarding anything, like how Beom got pissed when Dowon found his lingerie, lashed out when HE drunk kissed him or went "boy hurts, toy better" when he asked him out in the newest chapter, like you want to assume the negative when that wasn't even the person's intention. I understand it comes from underlying insecurities but it can't be very healthy to have in any relationship, especially a serious one.

I'm expecting to see Beom's pov in the coming chaps because he is, after all, a devout lover of coral snake so his rejection must be having some genuine reason. EXCITED!!!!

    Ashwee May 7, 2021 12:58 am

    I mean, if CS had any self respect he’d stop watching the streams.

    I think the uke is projecting his traumas onto the seme. Like instead of getting into an argument about sex toys vs partner sex he could have just said “I prefer sex toys over partner sex” and not make a big deal out of it.

    At this point they clash so much I don’t know how they will actually get together ┗( T﹏T )┛