Can you guys help me find this I can't rmb what it was called it was a shounen Ai and it was about this guy I think he in college and he's in this science place and he's gay and he ends up looking for someone to date and stuff and he finds someone but the person that he finds is the like really smart and attractive guy that's in the same major as him but the boy though that that guy was disgusted with him because of his "cologne" that he used which was actually body wash. Its still ongoing but I can't remember what it was called. And the guy knows that the boy is the one that he is talking to but he hasn't told him.
Can you guys help me find this I can't rmb what it was called it was a shounen Ai and it was about this guy I think he in college and he's in this science place and he's gay and he ends up looking for someone to date and stuff and he finds someone but the person that he finds is the like really smart and attractive guy that's in the same major as him but the boy though that that guy was disgusted with him because of his "cologne" that he used which was actually body wash. Its still ongoing but I can't remember what it was called. And the guy knows that the boy is the one that he is talking to but he hasn't told him.