The golden rule: if you don't like it, just walk away and look for other stuff to read." No need to discourage other first time people from reading this. It's for them to decide if this is bad or not. Do you even realize you're being harsh to the author? Or to the people who are making the effort translating this? You're lowkey calling this work as a trash - based on how you describe it. It's like you're disgusted by it, which is just you overeacting. You're only disappointed because you saw the previous work by a different artist, and that's what sets your standards so high. Because you have something to compare it with. If the first manhua didn't exist, you wouldn't be saying and bitchin' this version. See the double standards here? I've read both and I have no problems with any of them. Why? Because I know and I understand that each artist is different. And I respect that. I'm reading their works in an illegal site, they don't get a penny from me, so the least that I can do for them is to not call their work trash and not discourage potential fans from enjoying their work.
P.S. I'm not angry at you or attacking your personality. It just makes me sad when people don't appreciate other people's efforts. No matter how bad the end product is, people still put effort in doing it. Don't just dismiss other people's efgort. Nobody likes to be unappreciated. Not even you.
P.P.S. This work is not bad, it's just a different version from the first manhua. There is a reason why they changed it from yaoi to shonen ai. Yes, they put comedic relief which is a tupical ingredient in a webtoon format. (Well, not all - but like I said above, they probably want this to become general public friendly, so...)
P.P.P.S. Have a nice day. :)

I understand your point of view and I can see how I may have come to hard on it. You are right, I was disappointed, I still wouldn't have become a fan if I had read this version first I know that for sure.
Second, I don't agree with your Golden Rule, I found to be a coward action to bite your tongue when you don't like something. Why didn't you apply your Golden Rule to this comment? We are allow to leave comments and reviews for a reason. Is not like the author is going to read my comment...
But I do apologize if I cause any pain or sorrow to the translation team, they deserve the world and they do put an effort. I was not dismissing their effort just stating my opinion on the story pacing and character development. I apologize again.
P.S. You do know the author mainly focuses on the novel, which is amazing.
P.P.S. Have a nice day

You shouldn’t even have apologised. We all have pre conceived biases when we go into anything. whether it’s reading books, watching movies or meeting people. To say you have a pre conceived bias because you read the original means literally nothing. Don’t apologise because you have an opinion that isn’t positive. Of course you respect the translation team and the author and everybody involved in making it but if you don’t like it ... you don’t like it. And anyways i don’t think the translation team or author are foaming at the mouth because people reading on an illegal website don’t like their work
I agree btw - i just feel like the original manga is able to capture feng mings personality and intelligence better when compared to the novel. he feels a little cartoonish and almost like a satire version of himself, i’m not even bothered by the fact they’ve cut out some of the scenes because of censorship. I’m more bothered by the fact that i feel like the genre has changed.

Hey the rule of DON'T LIKE DON'T READ is always there yeah? It's so rude for you to be saying this. Can you make a works like this? Can you draw like the artist? Besdie what about the manga? That was DISCONTINUED. Why still bother reading it if it was discontinued?! And for me the art in this is 200 % is better than the last one that's for sure. Your words is so disrespectful to the artist.

So what if it’s discontinued... what’s your point ? you know that means that this story hasn’t been finished either... or is that thinking too complex ? Oh and i’m complaining because i can, I have opinions and they matter just as much as anybody else’s regardless of if they’re positive or not. I’m not even OP but you’re out here telling them that their opinion doesn’t matter and it does. you seem to think your opinion matters more just because you’d spread the authors ass cheeks and lick around the rim no matter what they did but there’s a reason critics of media exist, because negative opinions matter too. But that’s just me, you know i just think everybody should be able to form their own opinion and speak their mind but maybe basic rights are too much.

Then what about you? Why are you still here? Don't make an account in here. You already read this for free and still insulting them. You can't just refute my words and now you just change the topic to an ilegal uploading. I should ask you to tell all the other uploader then. And all the other ilegal scanlation.

Who changed the topic ? I mean this respectfully but is your first language not english because i think some of the things i’m saying are going straight over your head. I’m saying you’re a hypocrite not that you shouldn’t upload mangas. You’re going off on someone for good faith criticism and talking about how disrespectful it is to the author while simultaneously uploading their work for free, which is far more disrespectful. This conversation is beneath me if you’re just intentionally ignoring the things you don’t want to read. It’s just ironic you’re going to bat for the author over someone’s good faith and extremely respectful opinion while stealing their work that’s all.

Okay that in itself is another story. But you should mention to others that recommend to read the other version is pointless. The novel itself is discontinued and the manga is discontinued. So what's the point of you recommending it?
And you know what people got to know that this webtoon in wecomics and more people are installing this wecomics because I get the shells from invitation code. And basically reading this webtoon is free. Just need a few ads and login everyday. People got to know this and if they are eager to read the next chapter they just need to use the shells from the invitation code. I just don't understand why are you so eager to introduce everyone to the manga that was already discontinued. Even the original author already dropped this novel long ago. We don't have a choice. This is the only version that is still continuing.
And another thing. Yes you're right. English is my mother language. Lol

I can't tag and reply to everyone's reply, so this is for all of us.
Whoa. Hold your horses everyone. We're all just upset because we all have different opinions about something that contradicts our beliefs, but that doesn't mean we need to be personal. I understand that we can all get irritated at some point because opposite points are given and our egos can get hurt. But still, we should all be civilized. (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
Also. Indirectly saying someone is doing better than the other because "you're only saying that this version sucks", while the other is 'posting chapters in an illegal site and ruining the author's income', is funny for me because, we're all pirates here. Yes, you're only speaking your mind about your dissatisfaction about a work that you' are reading in an illegal site. See where we all become brothers and sisters in crime here? We're all equally guilty. No one is above anyone. We are all doing harm to the author/s. Let's all be clear about that.
Criticisms are part of everyday life. Everyone needs that to improve. Constructive criticism people, not the kind that is one-sided. We should avoid making biased criticisms because it can do harm than good. Unhealthy criticisms that only point out the negative and ignore the positive sides is called dissing. And dissing is borderline bullying, so be careful about that. Words can hurt. You never know what the person from the other side of the internet is going through and harsh words can stab and kill a person. What are the chances that the author themselves could stumble across this site and read these? We don't know. There's a slim chance that might happen, but it isn't entirely impossible.
Some people might call the 'if you don't like it, don't read it' attitude for being a coward, but for me it's not cowardice. It's a sign of maturity. I'm not going to be a hypocrite by saying I didn't go through that phase when I was younger. Like I constantly feel the need to point out flaws and be very strongly opinionated about anything that I don't like. It's part of being young. The aggressiveness is a wonderful part of youth. But I guess, as you age, you just tend to let go of dumb things, especially if it's not worth it. I'm not referring to this thread per se. Don't misunderstand me. I'm not invalidating your distaste about this work. You're free to do that. I'm referring to the silly arguments that we make. You'll understand when you get there. You can just say, "I don't like this because (give your valid reason/s while still trying to be respectful)", then move on. There's no need to give unsolicited recommendations. That's disrespectful for the author/s and the uploading or translating team. It's like you're disregarding their effort and promoting other people's work on their turf. Of course, you can still give your recommendations but only if someone asks you for it. I know you didn't do that with bad intentions. I won't judge you. Just be careful next time, I guess.
No, that goes for all of us. Let's all be careful with voicing our feelings next time. There's always better ways to say something.
You don't like this version. Your point is taken. But no, you're all mistaken. I'm not mad because you dislike this. It's your every right to say what you feel. It's everyone's right. What I don't like is that you insulted the work/author which I find is disrespectful, thus I felt the need to reply to your comment to try and explain why that is wrong. My bad if I didn't worded that out clearly, in a way where you wouldn't get hurt. But you already realized that mistake and addressed that so I think we're cool now. The important part is having the courage to admit your mistake and you did that, so I commend you. I also learned something with this. And that is to argue with people in a calm and respectful manner. No one can be heard when everybody else is shouting. Points were given and heard. You have valid reasons, I/we have valid reasons. We just need to lay them out so people from each side can understand.
And uploader-san, I don't think is ideal for an uploading team to engage in arguments like this and to loose your temper in the process. I understand your frustration and the need to defend your work, but it just makes you look bad. Let your supporters do that for you. :) Or if you can't stand ignoring such comments, at least try to act civil and mature even when replying to heated arguments. But it's just me. You don't need to follow what I'm saying. It's your decision to make. I just want you to know that I appreciate your initiative to deliver this translation.
Having said all that, can we just end this argument here? Just let people enjoy what they like and respect people who don't. I know I sound like a saint wannabe but we're not going anywhere by the way this thread is heading. I just want to read Yaoi and BL, guys. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

Yeah, I agree, the argument got headed.
Still, I won't hold back my opinion by saying " I don't like this Manhua, never will. I love the manga and novel, they better." Also, I actually did in fact spend money on this. I bought the novel on Amazon, so yeah.
But yeah, let's stop arguing.
P.S. Also, I am going to keep recommending mangas in my comments because yeah.
P.P.S. That essay you just wrote is better than this entire manhua.
P.P.P.S. Read the new manhua by Wang Yi the artist of the original manga (the better version) https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/to_be_or_not_to_be/

I've read that one too and all her other works. No need to reco. Lol. I've read so many other works with art on par with them or even better than theirs so I admire their art but not to the point where I become over passionate about them. I'm not dedicated. I just read and enjoy everyone's style of art. (=・ω・=)

I understand. I as an artist however do pay a lot of attention to it. A friend of mine who is a journalist cares mostly about writing and so on. Everyone cares about different things.
Every kind of criticism is valid. Not everyone is right. But every voice counts. Who knows, maybe others agreed with me and are thankful of not being the only ones.
Sorry if I came as rude and thanks for comprehending my point of view. But I won't back down in my opinion, I don't believe my first comment was wrong in any way.
I also thank Anaisbby for defending my ideals, I am truly grateful.
Okay, hear me out, I love Fen Yu Jiu Tian. But I only love the manga and Novel. I don't know for which reason the manga was canceled but the art and story pacing was a thousand times better. This version is just depressing and the main reason why this story isn't gathering any new fans...
I am just glad that I got to read the manga first as an introduction to this world instead of this atrocity... Many jokes were cut, Feng Ming smart and strong moments were change for a more fun kinda thingy. And this version overall feels just off, like it's meant for kids or something. Both the Manga and the novel have a very dark setting, the manga art style makes you fear the enemies and doesn't bring up a joke in a moment were you are supposed to be serious.
Overall, I don't recommend this Manhua to anyone, and I am sorry if this story disappoint it you, I won't blame you, this adaptation is just really bad... If you still wish to give it a second chance please do so with either the Manga (so you can clean your eyes with the beautiful character design) or the novel. Just not this....
Manga: https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/feng_yu_jiu_tian/
Novel: https://www.novelupdates.com/series/feng-yu-jiu-tian/?pg=7