I’m blaming the writer. I’m not seriously blaming her. I’m sick of these unrealistic fake strong women! It’s not strength to be so stubborn you hurt yourself. She should have been an adult and taken part of their money as an equal partner and gotten herself a place if she didn’t want to live in her old house. She’s acting like a kid. And no woman is this dumb.

Also I’ve made a million comments in this comment section talking shit on all the men so I didn’t feel like repeating myself in this one. Yes they’re abusive, and sexual harassers. They’re trash. They’re lower than trash. But she’s also written to be a naive idiot. I’ve already talked about it in past comments but she’s literally a misogynistic stereotype of a woman that is popular in Japan— make her fake strong but an airhead because character designers in Japan have openly said that to balance that out in a woman they have to make her an airhead to make her feminine and to appeal to fans. They literally think being naive and an airhead is a cute inherently feminine trait. Go look up videos about Nintendo designing their little assistant dog Isabelle. Look at haruhi from ohshc. They’re supposed to be capable women but they sprinkle in their misogynistic ideas of woman hood into the characters. I’m sick of it

It’s their fake progressive woman archetype lmao. I’m so sick of falling prey to it. I loved haruhi and ohsch but looking back the show was extremely misogynistic, homophobic, literally called lesbians predatory and portrayed the all girls school characters as LITERAL feminazis (had a shot of them doing the salute and wearing nazi uniforms) etc. I’m sick of these fake progressive characters and fake progressive storylines. They’re just reinforcing the same old gendered stereotypes in new ways.

I hate this part of Japanese culture, like they have so many cool things but under that are really ugly things like the misogyny, toxic expections and other horrible bullshit.
I really hate these parts of asian culture in general (im from asia myself) and i hope that next generations can erase all the toxic stuff.

yoo i meant to like this. you have a very valid point. The FL has a powerful personality with alot of potential but she falls victim to the bad writing/plot.
1. I’m not sure if this is the same in JP, but especially if you don‘t work and divorce occurs, you are legally entitled to a percentage of your ex-partner’s income. What does she do instead? Walk out without demanding reimbursement. Her exhusband was clearly feeling guilty as well. SHE COULD HAVE HAD MONEY TRANSFERRED TO HER PERSONAL ACCOUNT. WHY IS SHE CARRYING PHYSICAL MONEY ONLY?
2. Her personality does a 180 for some scenes to drive the plot. Contrast the time she physically subdued the ML when she was homeless to a her running around stupidly with her curry rice while the ML tries to chase her. Clearly a better route to go about her situation. (but since she needs to get in a contract with the ML shes going to become a victim of the plot...)

Hard agree on this! I honestly don‘t understand why OHSHC is hailed as “feminist” when there‘s literally an episode where Haruhi gets punished by the characters and plot for standing up for women being harassed and trying to do the right/heroic thing. Apparently, since she’s a “girl”, she shouldn‘t have tried to help other women who were getting harassed?? what?? and then it gets passed off as cute and romantic...
Anyway, that episode really put a sour taste in my mouth. JJK is probably the one anime/manga that subverts the whole “lets make this capable woman an airhead to make her more likeable”. honestly... there isnt a lot.

Agree agree agree. And yes, she’s so flimsily written. She changes for whatever suits the narrative so she has no concrete values or personality. Or rather, her “bad ass” side is slowly being unraveled to have meant nothing more than that she can throw a punch or flip a man over her shoulder. At the end of the day she hasn’t treated herself with respect and has demanded respect from and of the men taking advantage of her! Get what you’re owed girl!

I think the fact that ohshc was ever hailed as feminist says a lot about society. That was they “type of feminism” institutions tried to appeal to women...feminism that isn’t really feminism. And the characters that were literally feminists were made into negative stereotypes to send the message to young girls “don’t be like this! Look how awful these lobelia girls are! Nobody likes them, lesbianism bad, feminism=man hating”. And YES. The episode you’re talking about straight up ruined it for everyone. Somebody in YouTube recently did a video essay on it and all the comments are girls and women saying the same things, that the episode was terrible and hurtful and that they had to pretend it didn’t happen. I haven’t given jjk a chance yet but from what I’ve seen I thought it might treat its female cast better. Of course though, the best and least problematic shounen are the ones written by women like FMA and ive heard good things about kimetsu (?) no yaiba (Idk if I said it right) and even they fall prey to the authors internalized misogyny at times or the misogyny of the directors adapting the anime versions. Japan offers us narratives we can’t find elsewhere, but every genre is still filled with misogyny that holds all of its works back from being truly great.

yup thats why i always say straight dudes are creeps lol
but on a serious note i mean what we've read up till now, she can beat shit outta you but seems unable of critical thinking? like why would you apologize to the mf when he was being a dang creepo? i know that men like somewhat naive women so i thought a pinch of it was inevitable, but author went and spilled all the naivete they had in their pantry to come up with her character lol

i dont consider today's women feminists, like nowhere near the word. they dont even know what the word stands for they're just white upper/ middle class women who love going on social media calling men idiots like they're really doing something for the betterment of society and playing politics like it's some kind of sport team cheering lol

oh i remember reading about women's experiences with harassment and how when one confronted the perp everyone gasped (i think she was in a club or smthng) and look at her salty for ruining the "mood" like mfs didnt you see the dude grabbing her ass? thats so ingrained in society that i remember watching a movie with mom and a serial killer tortures and brainwashes a young woman, he leaves her alive and with a broken mind for the police to find, bur what stuck with my mom was: aww he really fell in love with her... and im like mom wtf that aint fucking romantic at all lol

Right!? I feel you on this. My mom acts like I hate all men whenever I call out bs or deconstruct old rom coms for their misogyny and stereotypes and she thinks I’m too extreme..but I think she’s much too lenient! Different generations...I’m glad to see younger women are waking up to the casual abuse coded as romance in our society.

ah yes! they're the generation of women that taught their young girls the need to stick to their man swim or sink and to trash your dreams and happiness to make yo man happy (my mom is a victim of that). the narrative boys will be boys and women should just let themselves be felt up smile and enjoy it is wearing thin. and i blame the boomer generation for generally all the messes we're stuck with today -going all the way up to climate change. they did not make any progress whatsoever but keep complaining about back in ma day like broken down repetitive robots that miss the good old days where they could punch their spouses freely in public lol
What a fucking stupid useless woman. She just lets any asshole that wants to tug her around do so. She has no fucking autonomy. Idk why I ever expected anything, she’s been stupid from the beginning. Leavin your house and living on the streets is fucking stupid. If your husband cheated on you make him pay for a hotel and gtfo of your house. Don’t go lay in the fucking mud as if you’re trash. She hasn’t had a shred of self respect from the beginning but the manga is trying to frame her as strong willed. Letting men treat you the way they have been is not a strong willed woman. All the characters suck and only issei has a little bit of slack since he’s 1. A kid with a stupid undeveloped brain that clearly doesn’t have anyone raising him and their methods of “teaching” are apparently to just provoke him which does not make a child turn out good or thoughtful.