do it when u felt like doing it but don't do it before a day or an a hour before the passing time, that's what i do but since there's so much too do, i arrange every stuffs, rank them, #1 for the most priority, #2 for the needed (shortest due date) and #3 for the longest due date, i only do the #3 task one hour a day or when i feel like, i also put notes where something i can (in my case i put it on my phone case) the notes i write is why do i need to do those task/homework, some example (i think) i put in my notes is "ur broke, ur education will help u become rich" something like that to motivate me coz i'm procrastinator that's why i put those haha u can try my method if u want ^^
Hello! Can I know what is your Learning Style or Cycle in the middle of this pandemic? Especially to those who take online classes.
What is your opinion about this matter?
It's for research purposes and I badly need everyone's opinion about it.
For those who can answer, thank you very much.