I read the novel because

EyeCandy May 6, 2021 9:47 am

I wanted to know the future lovey dovey scenes with Sian and FL (at first). But damn Now that I read it, it WASN'T The prince who was Always flirting with her. Kekekekekke (≧∀≦)

    LatteGratte May 6, 2021 9:51 am

    That pissed me off tbh. Like, if you’re going to make someone the male lead, does it not make sense to have a lot of lovey dovey scenes with them? I was really annoyed at the author because of that. And each time I read a scene like that, I would only get annoyed and skip through.

    LatteGratte May 6, 2021 9:54 am

    Also, if someone is second ml make it clear that they are and draw a line! It really pissed me off.

    LatteGratte May 6, 2021 9:59 am

    This is just me ranting though, I doubt that my sentiments are shared. I just favored Sian a lot, and seeing him with the lack of flirty scenes pissed me off! ‘Cause he was always so sweet to Elena, treating her respectfully, being patient with her, waiting for her whenever she was ready, listening to her!! I always thought, “well he’s Crown Prince trying to gain power over nobles so it makes sense that he’s not there all the time” but it got to be too much! But the author saved themselves with those side stories. Still a bit mad that:

    LatteGratte May 6, 2021 10:00 am







    I didn’t get to see Sian and Elena have babies, or even at least see their wedding and married life!!! He really made a whole ass title for her “First Lady” so that she could have the freedom to do what she wanted!!! I wanted to see more of what was lacked in the actual main story!!!!

    EyeCandy May 6, 2021 10:14 am
    That pissed me off tbh. Like, if you’re going to make someone the male lead, does it not make sense to have a lot of lovey dovey scenes with them? I was really annoyed at the author because of that. And each ... LatteGratte

    YES i completely understand you, go on, go ahead continue with your rant ahahah. Honestly I also don't get why Ren had soooo many flirt scenes. It made me simp for him tbh (/TДT)/ but I want Sian to be with Elena. They can be together forever. I just want Ren now ahaha. But damn the author tho, why tf would they add tonss of scenes with the 2nd lead

    AJ<3 May 7, 2021 4:20 pm
    Spoiler.....I didn’t get to see Sian and Elena have babies, or even at least see their wedding and married life!!! He really made a whole ass title for her “First Lady” so that she could have the freedom ... LatteGratte

    wait what? who is Sian again?

    dickless hoe May 7, 2021 4:24 pm

    Hi may i ask where u read the novel?

    LatteGratte May 7, 2021 5:52 pm
    wait what? who is Sian again? AJ<3

    Crown Prince.

    LatteGratte May 7, 2021 5:52 pm
    wait what? who is Sian again? AJ<3

    They call him Cyan in the manwha.

    LatteGratte May 7, 2021 5:53 pm