Wait— when did he hit bang/ break things in front of her???? Because when she first ended up in his body she was surprised that winter would throw the table etc. Because she assumed he wasnt the type to flinch or smth like that
Unless thats a spoiler??? Or i just missed it idk
I personally think that he can be redeemable because through the body swap he’ll be able to experience how badly others treat her and have an understanding on what shes going through
And thatll probably make him change his act up and try to make up for it
That being said im all for them divorcing LMAO
Tho even if they do divorce in the story theyll probably still end up together or smth
I personally want them to divorce and IF ml has changed for the better and does his best to make up for it and fl is in a healthier mindset and is still in love with him then they can get together

Ok. So I was mixing a few things up. His usual behaviour with others was like this and a few incidents with violet made me think so, especially with the gap between the updates.
He does not throw/break things in front of her except for 2 occassions we have seen. First was her wedding, he broke the wine glass he was holding and left her to the vultures. Second was when she asked him if he'll make time for her and he left in a rage, knocking into/shoving a waiter in the way.
He usually glares at her, shakes her off when she tries to hold on and uses his power and money over her (still abuse) and considering their size difference, just him glaring at her/slightly raisng his voice should be very threatening.
Again, I said if we go with the premise of the story where he's granted multiple chances (too many in my opinion), so many chances that even her offing herself becomes a chance for him to recognize his mistakes which he committed unknowingly and he had the best of intentions, he would be slightly redeemable but that the redemption would be a very steep slope. Don't get me wrong, that's what the whole story is about. He does realize what he did wrong eventually and most of it is going to be about his redemption.
But my questions still stand, at what cost will his realization come? And what would his good intentions change? Would it somehow change what or how much she suffered? Would it change that she tried to commit suicide multiple times? She didn't suffer a day or two, at the start of the story, they have been married for years. We just read about a few weeks and we can't stand it. She went through it all for years. Maybe the author will somehow even the scales out with his suffering or him trying to be better for her but here is the fun part. His suffering would be caused by his own actions, hers was caused by him. At the end of the day, she is a victim, HIS victim. And no matter how much an abuser repents after their victim leaves them or how much they change for the better. They may even deserve a second chance but no sane person in the world would say that they deserve a second chance with the person they abused/pushed towards suicide/death. And violet is exactly that, his victim that he pushed towards killing herself.
I will add that I know they are probably going to end up together, and we'll probably love winter by the end as well because we'll sympathize with his struggles, but it doesn't change the abuse she went through during the first few years of their marraige and that she would probably be better off away from all of them, including winter.

Yup yup
No matter what happens the damage has been done and it can never been undone
I wasnt rlly against what you said i was just a bit confused cause i thought i missed smth
Since ive read a bunch of stories like this its barely any surprise that they still end up together in the end XD
I wish theres more stories where the abuser regrets and repents but doesnt end up with their victim
(More specifically one that doesnt include much romance
Instead of focusing on romance i want one where it focuses on them healing)
I actually read a story like that (theres two seperate mangas one follows the story of the victim and the other the abuser)
Although it does include romance on both ends and a lot of 18+ stuff but i dont rlly mind it since it did a good job portraying their emotion and moving on etc
(I just dont like how theres a lot of stories where it kind of treats it as if finding a significant other will fix you)
I don't think he is iredeemable as well, HOWEVER, that redemption is a steeeeeep slope, and honestly quite close to irredeemable. We can give him the benefit of the doubt that he is just ignorant and doesn't knowany better and has the best intentions. But you have to understand what his ignorance cost him and her, especially her.
She is suicidal because of his ignorance, because he doesn't bother to listen to her when she tries to tell him anything. He has an imaginary version of her in his head and refuses to look past it, negating her words, her feelings in the process. People are going on and on about how they need to communicate and how she needs to tell him stuff. I have seen her try to do just that since the beginning. She tries to say something, he dismisses her and leaves, she tries to tell him something, he negates her words and feelings through violence. Yes, he uses violence to shut her up. He may not hit her but yelling, banging and breaking things is considered violence. She tries to tell him she feels awful and suicidal, he starts yelling, going on a rant about himself and his tragic life and how she doesn't have the right to complain if she didn't go through what he did, never bothering to listen. THIS IS ABUSE. He doesn't have to hit her or cuss at her or threaten her with violence to abuse her. He already is, however unintentional that abuse might be.
I think people are more forgiving of him because they get chances because of the body swap, but consider a scenario where she is successful, and they don't bodyswap, what then? He basically drove a person to kill themselves. It should not be taken lightly, even if the death was caused by unintentional neglect. His intentions do not negate what she went through and her suffering. Her pain is still very real and very valid and it was inflicted by him. Believe it or not, he was one of the major causes of her suicide, because had he listened, she might have seen hope.I know that their families are the ones who directly caused it, but had he been present in her life and been with her, she would have survived and wouldn't have tried to off herself, but HE was the one who made her situation hopeless. Would people still forgive him for not being aware? In my opinion, he was irredeemable the minute he caused someone's suicide but even going with the manga's logic, how steep is the mountain he has to climb to redeem himself?