Abel✯lied May 5, 2021 8:36 pm

I love the pairing, but for the love of god, leave the poor man alone. He isn't some rich boy, he studied properly and worked hard just as the rest of them.
It's not like his father helped him get interested in the craft, he just collapsed one day and went "Well either you leave your work and do my work where everyone hates your guts or your a POS and I'm writing you out of my will uwu" and we're all supposed to sit there thinking that they're being reasonable.
When that MF went "It's not that you didn't know, it's that you didn't care >:(" It's a job you dumbass, if you have a problem say it. This isn't highschool should manga, one won't figure out your thoughts from the way your eyes glitter jfc

    Thysa July 18, 2021 10:33 am

    I agreee especially the last bit. If anyone from my real life work pull something like the lil brother did regarding work, i will have to report him to someone for being "hard to communicate and coordinate with" that's not how you did a job.
    When you dont acc something in a job you need to point out why, so that the revision can be made to accommodate you, you dont make it a guess game and waste everyone's time