I left the last part of this to read it when it arrived to its end, I already knew that it was and it is one of my favourites. I reread from the start to the last chapter in these few days and went throught all the emotions that I alredy lived. Has been long since an end made me feel this emptiness. I feel like crying cause it was beautiful, cause I enjoyed it so much and I know it's one of that stories that it's hard to find, the type that get you thirsty for another experience like this one.
I left the last part of this to read it when it arrived to its end, I already knew that it was and it is one of my favourites. I reread from the start to the last chapter in these few days and went throught all the emotions that I alredy lived. Has been long since an end made me feel this emptiness. I feel like crying cause it was beautiful, cause I enjoyed it so much and I know it's one of that stories that it's hard to find, the type that get you thirsty for another experience like this one.