Abusive relationship? I never thought of her rs with the professor as abusive so i’m trying to understand, you are saying it’s abusive because...? the professor gives short replies to her texts (which Min does exactly the same thing to Yuna btw), or because she is a professor? they are both grown adults and the professor has never used her position of power to impose herself on Min so far, if anything we have seen she is worried about being outed hence why she broke up with Min. Or is it abusive because she told Min to end her fake relationship? is it wrong to feel jealousy in that situation and wanting to believe your partner who is telling you she only loves you? is it abusive not wanting to see your partner acting chummy with someone else right in front of your face? How is her reaction abusive? Min is swearing she doesn’t like Yuna so why is ending the “charade” a problem? If anything Min is the one who’s playing with her feelings in that situation, basically two timing her. Min is the one playing with two people’s feelings at the same time, it might be a shitty relationship because they can’t date freely and there’s too much to risk but calling it abusive it’s a stretch. Then again even if it was an abusive relationship that doesn’t give Min the right or excuse to treat and lie to Yuna the way she has done so far like you’re trying to imply.

I'm sorry but if *those* are your questions, I genuinely don't know where to start. I sincerely don't think I could explain it to you if I tried. Take a moment and try to process just how biased and rose-tinted every example you listed was. I hope you are simply oblivious and not operating in bad faith but...
My recommendation would honestly be to start with a search for testimonials of people who've been in emotionally abusive and manipulative relationships in real life.

I’m sorry that you can’t care to explain after asking me to do so, I was truthfully curious. Not even necessary to answer “those questions”, simply point out where emotional abusive and manipulation are at? My point stands with that I said at the end of my previous comment, being in an abusive relationship doesn’t justify or give you the right to treat someone like garbage.
I was reading this on the official app but i’m so glad to see comments trashing Min because yes, she IS a piece of shit. I’m relieved to know it wasn’t only me thinking that.