mess up guy - keigo

icea May 5, 2016 11:26 am

Keigo is a mess up guy . . who would want to be called NO.1? and will call and ask you to do things because its convenient. . .while you respond like a a good dog in heat with every order and worlds. . .Horrible I must say?!

    Anonymous May 5, 2016 5:20 pm

    So what, you mean it was better when he pretended with the women, because then he was the one in "control"? He was still selling himself, you know. That's what hosts do.

    Lady P0ny May 5, 2016 7:45 pm
    So what, you mean it was better when he pretended with the women, because then he was the one in "control"? He was still selling himself, you know. That's what hosts do. @Anonymous

    not all hosts are "selling" their bodies, don't confuse host with escort. It's not the same thing. It doesn't matter if he is with a man or with a woman, Keigo is being an escort because he CHOSE to, not because he is a host. I just wanted to clarify that. (and I think everyone is free to do whatever they want with their bodies, including sex services)

    icea May 6, 2016 11:49 am

    what i was trying to imply is not about his work, but how he was being used and being called no. 1, not because the that VIP customer loves him but because he is conviniet for him. . .and he does not mind to do it also with his kouhai because what exactly?. . .where do you draw the line? is it still about being a number host or Keigo does long for affection from the VIP. . . he must choose

    icea May 6, 2016 12:01 pm

    F.Y.I. what i was trying to imply is not about his work, but how he was being used and being called no. 1 by that VIP, number 1 as a TOY to train? that VIP customer does not love him or any of that, he called (Keigo) No. 1 because he is convenient for him. . .and he (Keigo) does not mind to do it also with his kouhai because of what exactly?. ego or pride?.because he does not want to be look down .where do you draw the line? is it still about being a number host or Keigo does deep down llong for affection from the that VIP. . . and FYI also i don' have any issue with people working as a HOST or an ESCORT. infact, this kind of Yaoi theme are the one i love the most . .im just stating my opinion about the stories progress . . don't be too hard headed guys !!!

    Lady P0ny May 6, 2016 8:52 pm
    F.Y.I. what i was trying to imply is not about his work, but how he was being used and being called no. 1 by that VIP, number 1 as a TOY to train? that VIP customer does not love him or any of that, he called (... icea

    I think you misunderstood my "voice tone", I just wanted to clarify the thing about host x escort, I'm not criticizing your point of view AT ALL. The bad thing about text is that the intention is harder to figure it out (I super understand this, really). So if you got offended by the way I wrote, I apologize, it wasn't my intention, I respect your opinion, I just wanted to clarify things. Gomen ne?

    Lady P0ny May 6, 2016 8:54 pm

    (I just noticed that my comment was directed to the anonymous person, and now I'm a bit lost ahahahah)

    icea May 7, 2016 5:24 am

    to Lady Pony, i respect your comments also, i was just expanding my previous post for more clarification. . .actually intended for the post of Anonymous. . . .appreciate people sharing their thoughts

    Lady P0ny May 7, 2016 9:27 am
    to Lady Pony, i respect your comments also, i was just expanding my previous post for more clarification. . .actually intended for the post of Anonymous. . . .appreciate people sharing their thoughts icea

    ahhahaha looks like we were both replying to Anonymous and things got confusing! Sorry if I seemed harsh, it wasn't my intention. ┗( T﹏T )┛