Sorry I don't know how to spoiler tag on here so I'm going to try and make this first part as many characters as I can before I think it's an appropriate amount that it'll make people use the drop down menu instead.
If you don't want spoilers:
If you're just in it for Kaname and Yuki and ESPECIALLY fluffy bits, you're in the wrong part of this fandom. There are some Kaname and Yuki bits but they are strictly only in the beginning part of the second half. The rest is dedicated to the plot and also Yuki and Zero. And yes Kaname does get screwed but I will say that he gets screwed over as ultimately HIS choice. All the actions I describe here are fully something HE decided to do.
So the anime ends a bit differently than the manga does for that arc. For starters, they don't walk off into the sunset with everyone. Rather, everyone goes their separate ways with Kaname and Yuki taking a route to their childhood home which is where the next arc begins. Additionally, for Takuma, he is "saved" by a pureblood named Sara Shirabuki who takes him captive and forces him to work for her with the power of her blood. (She even grabs his literal heart, yikes)
They live like this for a few chapters with Kaname trying to get Yuki to drink with her own fangs and not have him cut himself to give her blood, some Yuki Kaname moments there but it's tinged with sadness because when Yuki does finally drinks from him, she admits that she'll never be satisfied as some part of her still and always will love Zero. At the same time the manga cuts back to Zero. He has since moved out of the academy dorms and lives in an old apartment Kaien once resided in, though he is still a student. He is now suffering from bloodthirst and admits to Kaien Cross that he has been throwing back blood tablets like a drug addict and hunting vampires to satiate his thirst ever since the Rido Incident. We also learn that his fellow disciple, Kaito has joined the faculty at Cross Academy and he'll tie into the story in a lot of ways. (Also if you're curious, most of the students are mind-wiped and the Night Class is disbanded. Additionally, the ones who remember are Zero's fellow dorm-mate that you might remember from the anime, the head of the girl's dormitories [the hardcore Aidou stan], and Sayori Wakaba [Yuki's best friend].
Cut forwards a few more chapters, Yuki attends her first soiree where she is publicly introduced to Vampire High Society. The breakdown of the main events are one, Yori infiltrates the the soiree with the help of Kaito, much to Zero's irritation. Yori is here to see Yuki and she does get her wish. Two, Yuki and Zero meet and you're probs not interested in this part but this is for anyone else reading, this is due to Sara Shirabuki. She spots Yori and talks about how she probs tastes delicious and when she reaches out to touch Yori, Zero grabs her arm and stops her. Yuki quietly asks him to let go as she is an important guest and lightly touches his hand. He shakes them both off and angrily tells her not to touch him. Yuki watches him storm away and later the manga cuts away to show Zero in the stairwell, glaring down at his arm, whose veins are currently popping out from strain, and he's hissing that she isn't his and it goes something along the lines of to stop wanting her. THREE, we see Takuma again! he is in the employ of Sara and he runs into Rima and Shiki who have been worried sick. Takuma quickly excuses himself and goes back to Sara. FINALLY, there is a murder at the end, where it is discovered another pureblood guest, Ouri (the fiance of Sara Shirabuki) has been murdered by a hunter who was turned by another pureblood vampire. All eyes are on Kaname and he is taken in for questioning. We later see Sara and Takuma and surprise surprise SARA is the one who killed Ouri and we later find out that Ouri actually accepted his death, probably weary of his eternal life.
Kaname is still being suspected for the murder and im sorry but my memory gets foggy here but Kaname tells Yuki to stay inside and hidden, although he gifts the artemis rod and tells her if she wishes, she can kill him. She is appalled and Kaname leaves. Eventually Yuki being Yuki, she escapes her captivity, dragging Aidou along with her. She first visits Isaya, another pureblood (woohoo another one). I think she asks him for help with something and he refuses. She leaves and Kaien comes out of the shadows, apparently he's an old friend of Isaya's. They talk for a bit and meanwhile, Yuki goes to visit the grave of her nanny, Ms. Momo, from when she was young (during her time as a human). Along the way, she encounters another pureblood, Toya, who attacks her. Who comes by to save her but Zero Kiryu. And he takes both Aidou and Yuki into custody though I forget exactly why. Yuki has been knocked out during this whole altercation. And we also see that a furious Kaname retaliates against Toya, severely injuring him (this is important for later). Pan back to Zero and he has brought Aidou and Yuki to the Association where Yuki wakes up and tries to nibble on Zero before realizing where she is. She stops and she is later interrogated. She runs outside and there is a big black wolf (Kaname's familiar) who takes her back to him where she is punished by having her blood sucked out repeatedly by Kaname. Aidou....is left behind and becomes comedic relief.
Kaname is still under fire for murdering Ouri and this only worsens when he ACTUALLY kills another pureblood, Hanadagi. He is acosted at the Hanadagi residence and holds Aidou's father (because yea i forgot to mention but he comes in during the first part after the anime) and in front of Aidou and Yuki, promptly beheads him. This sends the room into a tizzy and he disappears with Ruka and Akatsuki. Meanwhile Sara is having the time of her life as she transfers to an all girls academy.... where she promptly proceeds to bite several girls and make them her servants.
Yada yada yada brain gets blurry around here but eventually Sara and her girl squad transfer to Cross Academy where Yuki has reinstated the night class and become the president (this is a story of its own) with Rima and Shiki providing her aid. They do so, asking Yuki for asylum as theyre supposedly scared of Kaname who has gone a mad spree of killing purebloods. They hide there and Sara, who has taken over a blood tablet facility, begins to distribute blood tablets... with her blood. She then takes over the night class which is a whole drama towards the end. During this time, Yuki and Zero talk once more and they slowly grow closer again. Additionally, Sara offers her aid to Zero in the form of her blood and he accepts. He is however not under her control because he has consumed the blood of so many purebloods: Kaname, Shizuka (through Ichiru), and Yuki.
At some point, Sara is attacked and this becomes a whole fiasco and she sends her newly enslaved night class to cause a ruckus. Yuki calms them down with her own blood and we switch to an epic chase scene for Kaname, where Yuki and Zero run after Kaname.who is then cornered. Yuki has since changed back to her day class uniform. She stands with Zero before Kaname, cuts her hair and asks Zero if this is ok. He says yes and then they fight Kaname. They manage to cut off his arm before he vanishes. (it comes back later ofc). Meanwhile, they eventually corner Kaname to the Hunter's Society. There's a huge fight and Sara appears with Takuma. Sara goes to kill Kaname while Takuma begs her not to. She says, "Sorry, Takuma... but I still want to be queen." And stabs this makeshift weapon she's made down on the other pureblood. However she is stopped abruptly by another surge of power and when we see her again, she has been stabbed through the chest with origin matter, gasping and after a few words with Takuma, dies. Kaname calms down the origin metal, and tells it that he will take her place. Surprise, the origin metal is the progenitor of vampires, and i forgot to mention this earlier, but Kaname is also a progenitor, the starter of the Kuran bloodline. (here's what i forgot to include, but Kaname shows Yuki his memories and she discovers the truth of his identity and what happened with Rido etc. It's very touching but also very very dark. Defs recommend reading for Kaname and Yuki).
ANYWAYS, after that, he disappears again. Yuki is now desperate to find him and goes off to find him. However, Zero stops her at the gate and insists on following her. They are helped by Isaya who let's them into a masquerade soiree. This is entirely a Yuki and Zero moment but Yuki and Zero dance and pretend to not know each other. Not gonna spoil much but for Yuki/Zero fans reading, go read, it's adorable. They end up kissing and then Kaname appears. Yuki and Zero chase after him but he vanishes after talking to Isaya. Afterwards, Yuki and Zero get changed and then they talk. After that however, Yuki proceeds to erase his memories so that she isn't the cause of his suffering anymore. (her reason is entirely selfish it is said). Zero begs her not to take them and is furious but ultimately loses that fight. He wakes up and when she asks how he feels he points his gun at her and asks why a vampire would want to know that. She smiles and leaves and Kaito passes her, telling her that she's a selfish monster. Kaito and Zero talk and Zero remarks that he doesn't know why he used to swallow all those blood tablets.
Yuki goes with Headmaster Cross and he hides her and then Kaname appears and talks to Kaien about the making of a new furnace. And then Cross calls him out on his manipulations. First, he made Yuki and Aidou doubt him by killing Aidou's father. However, Aidou's father is later found alive at a different location. He then began to kill other purebloods. etc. (This series as a whole serves as a whole explanation of Kaname's master plan from handling Rido to this, he's been in control all along.) He tells Kaname that his actions have caused Yuki to erase Zero's memories and Yuki finally jumps out and tells him that he didnt need to say that. Kaname is shocked at both the news and Yuki's appearance. And then he pulls Yuki in and tells her that she's foolish and stuff. They cut away back to the house where Yuki and Kaname end up doing it, aka boinking. Yuki tries to turn him human but he stops her. Then Zero appears with Kaito to guard Kaname til the furnace has been completed. Kaname drags out Yuki is crying out that she doesn't want to go out because she knows Zero is there. Kaname makes them all sit down for tea and then bites Yuki in front of Zero. Yuki struggles then slaps him and hugs him and tells him not to drag Zero into their problems anymore. Zero is confused but just shrugs it off. Stuff happens and the house is attacked. Kaito is injured and Kaname steps in to guard Yuki. Zero and him are back to back fighting when Zero wonders why he's trusting Kaname with his back...
Finally, the battle ends and Yuki and Kaname are taken to a holding cell where the two cuddle. Yuki is then dragged out of the cell by Zero with Isaya waiting outside, ready to turn Yuki human as he promised Kaname. She screams at Kaname that she won't become human again or something like that and she dragged outside by Isaya. Yuki tugs at her arm and tells Isaya that she has power and that she will fight and that she can't become human now. She begins to cry and this irks Zero. He is walking away but Yuki is still looking at him now pleading to him with her tear filled eyes almost, and Zero suddenly begins to remember her. He yanks her away from Isaya, declares that she's the girl he's always wanted to protect and then bites her to get his memories back. Vampires are now fighting outside of Cross Academy that has been evacuated. They found out Kaname's plan and are now banding together to get vengeance and to prevent the hunters from getting new weapons as currently the hunter weapons were breaking.
Zero yells to the air that if Kaname isn't a coward to come out and fight with him. Kaname does and the two fend off the vamps once more. Meanwhile, Yuki is found by Aidou and drinks his blood and then runs off to get dressed in her old uniform and to grab Artemis. She runs back out to Aidou who has just gotten his energy back and drags him off to the battle. She runs with him, spots Zero, and asks where Kaname is only for Zero to look over to see Kaname is gone. All three run to where the furnace is to find Kaname on his knees before it. Zero and Yuki run to him while Aidou looks on in shock. Kaname hugs Yuki and Zero and asks that they be together before dying in their arms. Yuki runs out past Aidou who is horrified while Zero holds Kaname. Outside, Yuki brandishes Artemis and tells them to stop fighting and while the opposing side mocks her, she attempts to swing down, only for Artemis to begin to crumble as the vampires advance on her. Suddenly, origin metal thorns burst out of the academy and attack the vampires, with Zero landing at Yuki's side, having been the source of the explosion. The origin metal is from Kaname's heart and gives the defending side a winning shot and Toya who is on the opposing side because of his grudge against Kaname, hisses about "accursed Kaname Kuran." The opposing side retreats as the vines go to Zero. It flashforwards where Aidou has frozen Kaname's body in ice and he is at the basement of the Academy. Yuki and Zero look on with the others and Zero hugs her from behind and asks her for a chance and Yuki begins to cry.
This cuts out to narration talking about a thousand years and such and we skip to see Yuki with two people, who look similar to her, Zero, and Kaname. They are Yuki's children with the two men and it is apparent that Zero has died sometime before this scene. Yuki goes to Zero's grave, rests down his Bloody Rose, and talks to him and thanks him. Then she goes off with her children to where Kaname is resting. She tells him that Aidou has perfected a medicine that will turn vampires into humans but that Kaname's heart, which has now been returned to him, is too weak for the medicine. So instead, Yuki turns him into a human and her children deliver the message that she wants him to see the light as well.
After this are a few shorts about this time span and what happened directly after the fight. This is continued in memories.
Overall: If you're just in it for Kaname and Yuki and not the other characters or anyone else, don't try it. This is just going to disappoint you, though you can certainly try to find the Kaname Yuki parts i described. Additionally, I will note that the beginning of the second of VK is Kaname and Yuki but towards the end, it switches to Zero and Yuki. If you want to read to the especially Kaname and Yuki parts, then you should only read up to where you first meet Isaya.
However if you want more of Kaname and Yuki with fluffy I suggest reading Fleeting Dreams, specifically the story, "Gifts for Yuki." (it's a light novel). Also I want to say that Memories would definitely be worth looking into if you enjoyed the other characters as many of them get their happy ending in Memories.
TL;DR -Kaname ends up giving his heart up but then revives only for Yuki to have given up her life to turn him human. The beginning of the second half of VK will have most of the stuff you want while the rest will be dedicated to plot and Zero/Yuki.
I hope this helps!
I've watched the anime, and I've read some very controversial stuff about the series. I don't want to waste my time rrading this if it doesn't have the fluff I want and makes me mad.
I'm HARDCORE team Kaname, and I've read he just gets screwed in every direction (which extremely upsets me).
So spoil me please. What happens and should I read this?