So I just happen to be on the spectrum and

Bird May 5, 2021 12:35 am

From the start I didn't really relate much to tatsumi (probably because I'm not very aggressive and also tend to petrify from social anxiety at restaurants) BUT that scene in chapter 5 where he just kinda casually outs their relationship and shinobu goes "ahhh right i didn't tell him to keep his mouth shut", like damn that was relatable content right there. As a kid i was always told i couldn't be told secrets because i never kept them. And I'd be so confused, because i did keep secrets... as long as people informed me that the piece of information I had been given was, in fact, a secret. It took me quite long to understand that people just kinda assumed you'd... be able to automatically identify what was sensitive information that they didn't want leaked and separate it from what was okay to talk about? Even knowing that, i still can't really automatically tell whether something is sensitive information or not, so when people tell me big personal things (like when my buddy came out to me, or my brother told me he was engaged) I tend to ask specifically whether it's something I should keep hush hush about or not.

Also, the jar-opening thing, man. That was lovely and I approve xp

    Bird May 12, 2021 2:29 pm

    Ahhh. And I also just walked into a store to buy new boots because my old ones were dead, and in my anxiety I just slapped the corresponding size Dr. Martens from the shelves on the desk and went "this... pair... have...err...?" And my friend had to cut in and be like "she'd like a pair of these in size 40 please" so yeah. Coming off as rude or weird without meaning to is definitely a thing that happens xp