For some peeps who find this hard to understand

NeKoru May 4, 2016 3:37 pm

Okay so basically, Komaeda never believed in Hinata (or their relation ship) since he was always busy being used for his talent by the organization i assume. So when it became a big issue between them, Hinata chose to cut off his own limbs which will make him useless and dependent to Komaeda and have Komaeda decide if he wants to comply to him or not (holding or letting go of the string). All of Hinata's actions are to prove to Komaeda that he's the one and only thing he need. Komaeda however regrets a little bit about how things turn out, shown through some of his thoughts like 'losing his healthy beauty'. In the end he still thought of it like the cycle of good and bad luck, with the good luck being able to monopolize Hinata, and bad luck being the loss of Hinata's limbs and speaking ability.

    idontcare August 8, 2016 8:24 am

    Oooh... now I understand. I read this a few times already but I still don't know what happened. So I'm thankful for the explanation!