
?!?$!?$ May 4, 2021 7:28 pm

lets not compliment hooni in a sexual way hes literally 17...

    HailForTheQueen May 4, 2021 7:34 pm

    He's literally not real...

    kiss-my-axe May 4, 2021 7:45 pm
    He's literally not real... HailForTheQueen

    Omgg stoopp XDDD this has me cryingg

    Wampoyu May 4, 2021 8:09 pm
    He's literally not real... HailForTheQueen

    ill make tje point again:
    If someone writes child porn mixed with bestiality, is it suddenly ok because it's fiction, or shoudl we address the fact that the writer needs help? Lmao

    Iluvtoast May 4, 2021 8:12 pm
    ill make tje point again:If someone writes child porn mixed with bestiality, is it suddenly ok because it's fiction, or shoudl we address the fact that the writer needs help? Lmao Wampoyu


    Wampoyu May 4, 2021 8:14 pm

    Using examples really help to convey points. And if y'all dont think it happens, then i'll find an example.

    I guarantee the example exists that I posted about. I could probably find the site with Tor browsing lmao

    Mega_baka_layla May 4, 2021 8:20 pm

    The author is Korean so maybe the laws are different there??

    448j445 May 4, 2021 8:26 pm
    The author is Korean so maybe the laws are different there?? Mega_baka_layla

    that doesnt detract from the fact that hooni is 17, you should refrain from sexualizing children point black, regardless of what laws their country has

    Mega_baka_layla May 4, 2021 8:31 pm
    that doesnt detract from the fact that hooni is 17, you should refrain from sexualizing children point black, regardless of what laws their country has 448j445

    What I’m trying to say is if the age of consent is 17 in Korea, then maybe don’t blame the author, cause he probably didn’t mean any harm by writing his age that way.

    ?!?$!?$ May 4, 2021 9:16 pm
    He's literally not real... HailForTheQueen

    real or not hes still 17, youre legally an adult when you turn 18

    ?!?$!?$ May 4, 2021 9:17 pm
    The author is Korean so maybe the laws are different there?? Mega_baka_layla

    even if the laws r different in korea hooni is still a minor

    Grendle May 4, 2021 9:29 pm

    And I’m 16...

    weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee May 4, 2021 10:17 pm

    He should be 19 now actually. I’m ABSOLUTELY NOT justifying him getting sexualized. I am ONLY correcting you. Check the chapters where hooni got stuck in the tub. You’ll find his gravestone saying he was born in 2002

    448j445 May 4, 2021 11:08 pm
    What I’m trying to say is if the age of consent is 17 in Korea, then maybe don’t blame the author, cause he probably didn’t mean any harm by writing his age that way. Mega_baka_layla

    the issue with the author is a whole other problem, rn we're talking about the comments and readers sexualizing hooni...

    Mega_baka_layla May 4, 2021 11:46 pm
    the issue with the author is a whole other problem, rn we're talking about the comments and readers sexualizing hooni... 448j445

    Ok... but I just wanna say that there is another artist called doppel who has a very similar art style to the author who makes Lewds of the characters. So sometimes it’s confusing on rather or not the author is actually lewding his characters.

    ?!?$!?$ May 4, 2021 11:55 pm
    He should be 19 now actually. I’m ABSOLUTELY NOT justifying him getting sexualized. I am ONLY correcting you. Check the chapters where hooni got stuck in the tub. You’ll find his gravestone saying he was b... weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    hes still in highschool right? also not everything takes place in 2021

    ?!?$!?$ May 4, 2021 11:56 pm
    And I’m 16... Grendle

    and?? just bc youre a minor and youre sexualizing another minor doesnt make things any betterminors shouldnt be sexualized anyway

    bluuishh May 5, 2021 12:04 am
    hes still in highschool right? also not everything takes place in 2021 ?!?$!?$

    Alright, I just thought it was worth mentioning because when that chapter I’m talking came out it was 2018 and the headstone showed the years 2002-2018 (for context to anyone who can’t remember; hoon thought he was gonna die in the tub) so I thought it was following real time with the whole New Years chapters and all

    HailForTheQueen May 5, 2021 8:28 am

    I really can't believe y'all are really having this conversation it's FICTION luv, people can sexualise, fetishize and fantasize about whatever the hell they want, ain't nobody gonna stop bc you're mad

    HailForTheQueen May 5, 2021 8:30 am
    and?? just bc youre a minor and youre sexualizing another minor doesnt make things any betterminors shouldnt be sexualized anyway ?!?$!?$

    Are you dumb? Hooni is literally a year old than them... So how the heck does anyone under the age of 18 date then? Apparently thats wrong to you bc they're all minors and therefore shouldn't look at each other that way... so dumb

    ?!?$!?$ May 5, 2021 3:49 pm
    I really can't believe y'all are really having this conversation it's FICTION luv, people can sexualise, fetishize and fantasize about whatever the hell they want, ain't nobody gonna stop bc you're mad HailForTheQueen

    nobody cares if this is fiction i just said to not sexualize a minor LMFAOO