Looking for a manga!

XLianeX May 4, 2021 7:20 pm

Im trying to reread a certain manga but I never saved it to my profile and can't remember the name(≧∀≦) its a side story though and I can remember the first volume story perfectly.
Its about this guy who starts working at this company after leaving his last company due to harrassment. He may or may not have been involved with someone at the previous company hence why he was harrassed and left. Anyways he starts working at his new job and it gets out that he is gay, not long after he starts a fwb relationship with his supervisor, they fall in love, his supervisor ends up getting transferred towards the end but they still continue the relationship and are happy. Im interested in rereading the side story about the coworker who also ends up falling in love with him. I feel like this manga is very obvious but for the life of me, can't remember the name.
