
Catneki May 4, 2021 2:52 pm

I don’t like the FL that much TTATT I find her annoying... and incapable... it would be fine if she learned how to ask for help from more capable people but she hasn’t yet... puts me through so much second hand embarrassment

    daisukeswaifu May 4, 2021 7:04 pm

    but it makes sense bcz of her trauma u know.. so u cant really blame her for acting like that

    Melancholy May 4, 2021 8:34 pm

    As someone said in the novel... maxi is weak, that's something everyone who read the manhwa knew from Day 1, you can always stop reading it... Maxi is traumatized, it's been less then 2 month since she left that hell hole of a "Home" suddenly becoming capable and over comingher trauma in those 2 month is unrealistic, some people that even after a decade since the incident of thier trauma it still hunts them. Such as "Asking for help" isn't an option, for maxi this is a Dream she could wake up from any moment from, she's scared that if people were to found out that she was incapable she will get treated the same way in croix castle, she does want to ask for help but she fears that she'd lose everything, maximilian has axiety, she in a constant battle with herself, because she was abuse so she lacks the ability to trust others.

    This ain't your "I got reincarnated as a Villainess and I'll do everything to survive" Trope (Because most strong FL come from that trope) they don't suddenly wake up one day and think that "OH You know what? F*ck my abuser I'll leave my life" The author is making our mc REALISTICALLY over come her trauma and her own demons, and not afte a few days she suddenly forgot the decade of abuse she received in her youth.

    If you can't adapt or try to understand the story then stop, stick to what you usually read so you don't stress yourself up to much, K?

    Melancholy May 4, 2021 8:43 pm

    ACKKKKKKK Ended up ranting, my point is, if you lack the capability to fully understand a different story, or slowly adapt to a different genre, then your always welcome to stop it... I love maxi, even as of now that she is weak, cuz majority of the readers (especially the novel) read this for the sole purpose of seeing maximillian grow!ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Ps: I just realised that in my 1st (and I feel like my 1st paragraph here also sounded one T-T) comment I may have sound (Or atleast I typed it) kinda cocky? Or arrogant? If so then please forgive me! I don't wanna start an argument or anything, I was just trying to explain as to why she is like that, and that if you can't fully understand the story, then you can always stop (I'm not trying to make this sound cocky T-T I don't know how to make it sound any nicer while still trying to make my point! PLEASE SEND HELP T-T) and I respect your thoughts, I also have some main leads I lack the capability to understand and I end up not liking them, so I just ended up droping the series, and I advice you to do the same, if you think the chacter won't grow on you then please do stop reading, tho I can't tell you what to do! It's just an advice from me!

    Pps: Hope you have a good day! Or night! Or maybe afternoon! And Wishing you a wonderful year!

    Catneki May 4, 2021 11:01 pm
    ACKKKKKKK Ended up ranting, my point is, if you lack the capability to fully understand a different story, or slowly adapt to a different genre, then your always welcome to stop it... I love maxi, even as of no... Melancholy

    I mean it was just my character pet peeve and you did sound very mean lol regardless how nice you try to end your comments pretty aggressive and unnecessary.

    I FULLY understand why she is the way she is. I never said she was a poorly written character, she’s just a character that personally gets on my nerves. You don’t have to try to diminish my capabilities of understanding characters just because I personally don’t like one. Just like people in real life, we are allowed to just not like someone.

    I LOVE seeing growth in so many other characters. But I just personally don’t like this one and didn’t need an essay reply talking down to me about the character.

    Catneki May 4, 2021 11:04 pm
    but it makes sense bcz of her trauma u know.. so u cant really blame her for acting like that daisukeswaifu

    Oh of course! I never said she was poorly written she’s just not the type of character I like reading about just gotta clarify because it seems some people think I’m saying the author made a mistake or it’s poorly written.

    Catneki May 4, 2021 11:13 pm
    ACKKKKKKK Ended up ranting, my point is, if you lack the capability to fully understand a different story, or slowly adapt to a different genre, then your always welcome to stop it... I love maxi, even as of no... Melancholy

    I think I can compare it to Sansa stark at the beginning of game of thrones. INCREDIBLY well written character that I just didn’t like at the start of the series. It’s not a hatred or dislike of the writing, just personal preference of people that I like. I understood Sansa, just didn’t like her.

    Melancholy May 5, 2021 3:18 am
    I mean it was just my character pet peeve and you did sound very mean lol regardless how nice you try to end your comments pretty aggressive and unnecessary. I FULLY understand why she is the way she is. I nev... Catneki

    Let me 1st start up with Sorry... Kinda just know realising how Agressive I was, Especially how I say "Lack the capability" makes it sound like your some person who doesn't know what he/she (or they) doing, for some sort of reason I became Aggressive, maybe because it was around 4 am when I saw that... tho that's basically just an excuse! I sincerely ask for forgiveness because I sounded like a total jerk/a**hole!

    And you totaly have a point! People can like/hate/dislike/not hate any chacter/people they want! Even for absolutely no godamn reason, because I've been thier, like they haven't done anything bad (or probably never will) but you just can't sit well with that chachater/person! That's something I also believe in yet here I am... AHHHHHH

    I'm really really sorry