Re-reading this for the tenth time maybe , idk when this story ended up being a comfort place for me even if its the most simple ,naively stupid kind of storyline it still manages to pull every little heart string of mine every time i read it . Even if love has been an experience that has only left me in pain this story reminds me its not just about the pain but also the warm naive little feeling of just falling with eyes closed and hoping it'll all go well int he end .
Re-reading this for the tenth time maybe , idk when this story ended up being a comfort place for me even if its the most simple ,naively stupid kind of storyline it still manages to pull every little heart string of mine every time i read it . Even if love has been an experience that has only left me in pain this story reminds me its not just about the pain but also the warm naive little feeling of just falling with eyes closed and hoping it'll all go well int he end .