Old manhwa

Devil May 4, 2021 8:46 am

Need help finding something: either yaoi or shounen ai. The premise went something like this:

Protagonist, black haired man, resides in a mansion with another man, white haired (I believe) with no memories. He can’t leave and basically knows nothing. The staff and man he lives with are very dodgy and don’t let him leave.

I mainly remember the ending, so big spoilers ahead if you’d want to read it in case somebody finds it; it appears that it was all virtual. Black haired protagonist was in a VR imagining all of this, and it was done at some facility for scientific purposes. White haired was one of the head doctors or scientists and staff were his coworkers or something. It’s very muddy, apologies if it wasn’t adequate with information.

This was very long ago- I remember it had color but may be completely wrong.
I read it first sometime in 2017-2018?

Thanks in advance :)
