just like everyone else..

karie May 4, 2021 7:27 am

i hate the ml. literally he pisses me off so fucking much. I'm not too sure about the politics and if the FL forced??? the ml to marry her or something but even if he was put into a political marriage that's most nobles. how hard is it to be DECENT, have RESPECT, for your poor wife. Honestly the fact that he likes her NOW is even more revolting because what about when she actually needed someone to be there for her? When she was alone, suffering most likely through depression, anxiety, and postpartum. You took away her child. that's just so fucking messed up. Her childhood too, blamed and hated. she was ... abused both physically and mentally and cuz of this she became traumatized. that's why your words mattered so much to her. honestly i dont really understand how the authors of these manwhas always somehow manage to excuse the ML's bad behavior, whether it be by misunderstanding or other stuff. he was bad, he didn't even apologize to his own wife when she died. where was he? yea sorry i cant get into him, i love the FL <3

    karie May 4, 2021 7:37 am

    read some spoilers... even if it was for the sake of elle, she was still his mother. Where is a doctor... where is her comfort... closure.. anything? He let misunderstandings arise. i hate this dude