
you are right, I definitely forgot that part of it! but regardless like you mentioned he did trick Jooin abt why he was staying in Korea. I don’t think Cain is a bad person at all or that he hasn’t been good to Jooin, but I still think he’s going a little too far with things now and he should at least be honest with Jooin
Imo, I don’t particularly like either choice for Jooin. While Yahwi is starting to get somewhat better, it doesn’t erase the things he’s put Jooin through even if some of his actions are influenced by his past/upbringing, because I don’t think he’s apologized ONCE to Jooin or bothered explaining himself; Yahwi go to therapy and get some help challenge.. as for Cain, while he’s really sweet to Jooin and treats him a whole lot better than Yahwi has, as readers we obviously know what Yahwi is talking about in this chapter bc Cain does truly have ulterior motives even if they’re not malicious. I mean, Cain tricked Jooin in order to stay at his house with him, and isn’t being 100% honest about himself. It’s obvious Jooin only sees Cain as a friend and doesn’t want anything more than that between them, and I don’t think that’s entirely because he still has feelings for Yahwi.. I think it’s just simply because he has no attraction to him? Cain is kinda slowly pushing their boundaries even if it’s ‘innocent’, and we’ve seen this before when Jooin was upset with Cain because he did not want him in his personal love life. Cain hasnt don’t anything to harm Jooin so far and I don’t think he will, but it’s the fact he’s beginning to overstep some of Jooin’s boundaries. I see a lot of people predicting the author might have Cain do ‘something stupid’ that upsets Jooin and makes him want to be with Yahwi, but I think if Cain keeps pursuing Jooin the way he has been and oversteps more boundaries; that Jooin has every right to be upset, because I don’t believe he returns the same feelings as Cain. If I were Jooin I would just tell them both to fuck off, bc I don’t think either of them have respect for him and Jooin deserves better.