Y'all don't need to address that it's rape we can clearly see it with our own eyes bruh, i...

Yuri's d1ldo May 4, 2021 12:18 am

Y'all don't need to address that it's rape we can clearly see it with our own eyes bruh, if you want soft lovely shit with no conflict then read something else. Rape is never justified and unfortunately yaois are literally just that, u don't have to love that part in order to read it and if u can't stomach it don't read it at all

    Nix June 1, 2021 12:54 am

    Literally don’t talk your a ybc fan. And you obviously don’t know people have triggers towards R4p3. They do need to address it not everyone likes to read non con because of trauma please stfu.

    Yuri's d1ldo June 2, 2021 6:50 am
    Literally don’t talk your a ybc fan. And you obviously don’t know people have triggers towards R4p3. They do need to address it not everyone likes to read non con because of trauma please stfu. Nix

    Excuse?? how does the fact i have a ybc pfp correlate with what i said. Ofc i know that that's why they have a freaking trigger in the first few panels which gives ppl the option whether to continue to view it or not, yet when ppl choose to continue and then complain about how they're triggered that's when i have a problem. Okay they

    Yuri's d1ldo June 2, 2021 6:52 am
    Excuse?? how does the fact i have a ybc pfp correlate with what i said. Ofc i know that that's why they have a freaking trigger in the first few panels which gives ppl the option whether to continue to view it ... Yuri's d1ldo

    + addresed it cool whatever but constantly ppl need to stop stating the obvious nonstop to an annoying amount. I never said ppl had to have trauma to dislike non cons?