Like I cannot fathom how these people in the comments section completely EXCUSE both woohyuk’s and PD’s behavior just because their hot, and have the audacity to say jiho is a narcissist and selfish just because he has different priorities??? Woohyuk has literally been so childish and immature and people rlly think jiho gotta drop everything for him just cuz he suddenly acts puppy like GTFO they really be readin this manhwa with their ass.
why are people mad at jiho lol. I’m just going to use this comment to explain why your opinion is wrong.
1.) “jIhO iS tWo-tImIng”
false. jiho and woohyuk aren’t dating and they don’t even like each other atm due to intense miscommunication. also, every time jiho and the pd interact, the pd approaches him first but I don’t see the pd getting any hate.
2.) “JiHo iS plAyiNg thE sYmpaThy cArd”
you mfs didn’t even read the manhua huh. jiho literally refused to use his cat as a sympathy ploy to get more fans even after the pd explicitly told him to. he wants to win fair and square.
3.) “JiHo iS mEan aNd jEalOus tO woOhyuk.”
yeah no fucking shit jiho is jealous. I’d be too. the only difference is, jiho deals with his jealousy privately and doesn’t hold it against woohyuk. the only time he gets upset is when woohyuk acts all presumptuous and tone-deaf and basically tells jiho “uwu it’s ok you suck at cooking I’ll lose for you (not really lol).” which is an asshole move that anyone would be angry at because he’s basically implying that the only way jiho could ever win is through pity.
4.) “JiHo iS tOxIc tO woOhyuk”
did y’all just forget the entire chapters where woohyuk would shun and ignore jiho because of some random shit that he wouldn’t even give an explanation for??? what exactly has jiho done to woohyuk except bicker like an old married couple??? the ML privilege is strong with you.
in conclusion: stfu