
Me still trying to think positively but in an immature way:
Wanguk is strong enough to escape the locks and cuffs, then dug a hole with his barehand (through the container and dirt) then voila, alive and well
Okay nevermind, imma just accept the painful reality than this cringey and unrealistic imagination I just did ;-;
I'm really trying to stay positive and still have hope but there really is no way he could still be alive.... I mean, I reread the scene (it was so fucking painful) to see if there could be any ways possible for him to survive but... I mean, there is literally none. His hands were attached, and his foots were handcuffed, so even if he broke the ropes from his hands, he wouldn't be fast enough to get the hell out of the container. And the motherfucking monster with ugly ears, stood just next to the said container, so he could have see him opening the door and trying to run away and as I said he wouldn't be fast enough anyway because of the handcuffs but also because he was beaten up... And there was no other door he could have used to exit from the back without being seen. The only door he could have used was the one facing the other ugly ears asshole................ And like.... the container was literally..........destroyed....... No living creatures can survive this......... I can't even be in denial.... And like, I thought that maybe it wasn't him, maybe it was someone else... But... It IS him. The clothes are the same, the hair is the same, the profil is the same and the ugly ears asshole literally called him by his name..... So.... Let's face the truth, Wanguk is dead......... And so am I. I feel so bad for his sister,
I think that when she said she would die if they didn't find him it didn't mean that she'd killed herself, it meant that she would litteraly die without him. She's lacking of basic social skills because she was left behind by society when she was a child. Nobody took care of her for years (and she was just a fucking damn child, goddamit) and so she ended up with a mental ilness (believing that the world was her ennemy and trash was her family) and lacking of education and basic social skills. She literally CAN NOT take care of herself. Her brother was her only family but it's also thanks to him that she didn't ended up dying in the middle of her trashs. I can't. It's just so... sad and tragic. I can't... They. Deserved. Better.