
well it's not really the blondie fault, it's their choiches they could end up together but they're not. cz evie don't want to live in her mom shadow, she mentioned it already that being with her mom lovers like a sweet sorrow. and she'll always feel like that in the future if they end up together, i'm really glad that she end up with yuha cz he really care for her.
I really hate the blonde woman :') My ship got ruinedddd. Well yup it can't be helped since she got pregnant. I'm pretty sure she got prego on purpose because she is a wise woman she knows how to get what she really wants somehow. I mean she's not a fool she could've took birth control pill if she was fooling around regularly with a man but yup she didn't because of her feelings. Even though she was not like "I must get pregnant in order to keep him" she still knew the risk and low-key wanted to get pregnant and keep him. I'm still so happy that Evie was happy after moving on but still. OK I'm done here if you think I'm saying nonsense please just ignore this comment. I don't want to stress anyone out. If u hate this comment let's use dislike button instead of replying with harsh words. Feel free to reply as long it's not hate stuff. ;)