So this still continue?

mcs May 3, 2021 1:44 pm

I thought it has ended only with 2 volumes.. But I just saw the third volume but it says extra... maybe the last volume is a bonus..?

Anyway, saw few comments who support rape as part of the revenge, and said he should do worst... like dude you guys are even more messed up ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

Rape is unforgivable, and rapists are monsters.. which is what the black hair and blondies did. Both were not a victim anymore. I won't support each of them..

So I only hope they could.. solved that by the end... It just so messed up for some people who shout "rape is bad" but okay with raping others as part of revenge

    Kenx_x May 10, 2021 12:45 am

    Honestly if someone ever dared touching me without my consent i would want to do waaay more than just rape them just thinking about it makes my blood boil

    mcs May 10, 2021 7:30 am
    Honestly if someone ever dared touching me without my consent i would want to do waaay more than just rape them just thinking about it makes my blood boil Kenx_x

    Yeah, well I get that, though it is satisfying but since your mind was clouded by emotion instead of thinking another way for revenge, you dig the same hole as the scum, and become even worst than the assaulter (in the case of the story) since the uke does not even plan this to happened.

    Though I won't justify what the uke did but it is just crazy and hypocrite to think what seme did is better than uke, when he is a bigger scum when the uke already try to reach him? Comparing him to a real assaulter who does not even feel remorse or do it with intention?

    By the end, both are wrong, to think someone is supporting what seme did, also makes my blood boil. Because rape is never right, especially when you know the story. So I just hope they can go to therapy together and end this shit

    Kenx_x May 10, 2021 10:14 am

    What you're saying is very true taking revenge probably won't help you recover, but i truly believe no one will ever miss the chance to give that bastard what he deserves.
    And yeah they should definitely get some professional help but it seems that utsumi's got a lot planned

    mcs May 10, 2021 10:50 am
    What you're saying is very true taking revenge probably won't help you recover, but i truly believe no one will ever miss the chance to give that bastard what he deserves.And yeah they should definitely get som... Kenx_x

    Yeah, I understand the need for revenge. This is basically a moral battle. It is better to called both of them are scum, than victimizing both parties. That is why I said, it is kinda disgust me to see some people try to victimizing the seme rather than to see how both of them were wrong and just need treatment.

    I think I heard some spoiler, like the usual.. story won't be interesting without a drama.. it will got worst but at the same time no tragedy tag so I guess happy ending?

    So yeah, I wish both got treated.. and healed mentally and have a healthy relation, though meanwhile we gotta enjoy the ongoing drama.