I'm so sorry this happened to you. I completely agree physical pain comes and goes but mental health doesn't go away. I've said this to other people but it's always easier (not saying that it's always that case) to get over physical pain than mental becuase they know what they're treating and there's medicine for it. While mental issues does have medicine it's an alternative but never a cure. Although there is physical pain that's really bad. Mental and physical health tie together. If you're not mentally feeling well it also affects you mentally. I just wish that on this manwha he didn't compare trauma it gives me the vibe of "I had it worse: which should never be the case becuass trauma is trauma and we all go through different things and shouldn't think less of others issues.
Trigger warning: mentions of abuse
This manhwa is like an excellent example of those that believe emotional/mental abuse is not at all comparable to physical abuse. Personally, I’ve suffered through both within my lifetime and both are traumatic but emotional/mental abuse was harder to deal with for me. Half the time, I couldn’t properly explain or even mentally address what was happening. And the other half of the time I was suffering from anxiety and paranoia that everyone’s words were meant to hurt me. Even now, I flinch when my husband tries to touch my hair or face. But I cause more problems by jumping to conclusions that he’s manipulating me or trying to be underhanded. It’s easy to explain the flinching but harder to resolve how my emotional trauma affects our relationship. I’m not saying at all that it is always worse. However, I am pointing out the discrepancies in how everyone addresses each kind of abuse. And within the manhwa, the ML is acting exactly that way instead of listening. This, in turn, becomes a form of gaslighting (aka more emotional abuse). No one should compare their abuse to another’s, in my opinion. Everyone should be willing to listen though.