
sevenatmidnight May 3, 2021 7:00 am

there are a lot of things that i don't like with this story..too fast-paced, the bullying was happening without any reason, ml was supposed to be homophobic but no explanation was given as to why that is. he was shown as being disgusted because the smell of the other person was too sweet and cloying? and somehow that's reason enough to be rude and hostile? ml was down right shallow from the get go. and then when stuff started happening, this supposedly homophobic guy accepted his feelings for the mc. just. like. that. i was expecting some resistance, questioning of his sexuality, anything to show that emotional growth was actually happening. but nadda. and when the mc found out his identity, what did he do? he just stood there stupidly without even trying to explain. this, after taking advantage and making out with the guy. there were so many opportunities to turn things around, but no. ml has to be stupid and the whole thing became so frustrating and more complicated that it should have been. and don't get me started on the mc. he's pitiful sure and what happened to him sucks but honestly? it's so hard to sympathize when the person himself was so gullible and stupid. like, the guy - basically a complete stranger that he was meeting for the first time - refused to open the lights and mc was like, "awww you're being so shy so cute, not sus at all. let me kiss and make out with you even though i have zero guarantee that you're a decent person coz hey, i talked to you online even though all i know about you is whatever you put on your profile which could have been all a lie for all i know"
really, so stupid.

    maricel1485 May 3, 2021 6:09 pm

    The part of why he was bullied was already explained

    But i agree with you about him being “homophobic”