Hwans redemption arc be like:

BlueButterfly7 May 3, 2021 5:54 am

*Que super hot molester/rapist monster stud muffin*
Chi woo: oh no my clothes, help me my molester lover who I didn’t know molested/raped me

*Que Hwan super rapey powers sailor moon transformation*
Hwan: Hey you! Hot transformer monster, you are more of a molester rapist than I, and only I can do that do my boyfriend! Unhand him at once!

*Que pew pew dildo swords*
*The millionth rape monster is defeated Hurray!*
*Chiwoo goes in Hwans arms*
The End

    rannyrunt May 3, 2021 6:06 am

    Haha. This is more like the actual summary of the story

    shy biscuit May 3, 2021 6:11 am

    Far cry from previous adventures where...

    Hwan: *gets in danger*
    Chi woo: i want to save hwan but im dummy thicc and the clap of my ass cheaks keep alerting the surprisingly hot gay rape monsters

    Souda boi May 3, 2021 6:23 am

    This entire thread of comments is amazingXD

    Sephielya May 3, 2021 7:01 am
    Far cry from previous adventures where...Hwan: *gets in danger*Chi woo: i want to save hwan but im dummy thicc and the clap of my ass cheaks keep alerting the surprisingly hot gay rape monsters shy biscuit

    I'm DEAD lmaooo