I read some time ago a spoiler about it.
The king wanted a son that looks like Yurigel (or whatever that fucker's name is) that's why he let Yurigel fuck the Queen. That shitface.
And also Yurigel is an old man and he needs the child to help maintain his youth or something. This is from what i had read before.
Another spoiler (don't remember accuracy)
If I remember correctly, blond dude wants to steal the kids body. That's why he really wanted a kid.
Pretty sure the knight let the r.pe happen hence the queens snide remarks about "you can't help me anyway". Rock hard place because knight would be dead had he done anything bc the emperor allowed the r.pe to occur...
The only thing that hunts me is the king's hair is black the queen's hair is black then how did the pri ce get blonde hair. Does that mean she had sex with the blonde concubine????