I hate how the translator be makin fun of the duke nose, like so mean and for what , i'm mostly offended cuz my nose is big- but anyways i love the fl, she a bad bitch like me
i think what tn was meant to say was that our ML's dingdong is big HAHAHAHAH man that was embarrasing to type it out. bcs in some east asian countries, big nose means big dingdong
i think what tn was meant to say was that our ML's dingdong is big HAHAHAHAH man that was embarrasing to type it out. bcs in some east asian countries, big nose means big dingdong meina
Tbh i didnt even know that- i have no words thanks for that info
I hate how the translator be makin fun of the duke nose, like so mean and for what , i'm mostly offended cuz my nose is big- but anyways i love the fl, she a bad bitch like me