OK ok my opinion

Ryma May 3, 2021 3:33 am

So you read the poster where you were VICTIMIZED and where soo dam WAS ACCUSED OF BEING A PERVERT AND DOING ALL OF THAT TO YOU " WITHOUT CONSENT" which is false. And you didn't even try to deny it.

And soo dam tried to call you to see how you are doing, your feelings, making sure you are OK. AND YOU IGNORED HER. I am sorry but that post was degrading soo dam not you.

THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE OTHER WAY AROUND you should have called Her to see if she is doing all right after being called a pervert BUT NO.

BOY even her first thought after running back home was to check on you AND she CALLED YOU IMMEDIATELY , she didn't even think of her self and the consequences of that post and her shattered reputation and that only shows that SHE LOVES YOU AND SHE IS TOO SELFLESS AND UNDERSTANDING OF OTHERS FEELING (I Low-key love her and want to be her friend)

I am sorry but SELFISH IS NOT Strong ENOUGH TO DESCRIBE YOU. Get over yourself no one is talking about you I bet no one cares just like you don't care about soo dam's feelings. The world is not all about you. you are DRAMATIC (especially when you run from the friend that tried to stop you from reading the poster for your OWN GOOD) I CAN'T-- I JUST CAN'T--

I said it before and I will say it again soo dam baby you deserve better, get over him it will do both of you good

Having trauma doesn't excuse shitty behavior, you need to grow up I am sorry but if I met you in real life I would get the hell away from you, you are the most selfish, self-centered, dramatic, toxic person I have ever seen

    JaneSarang May 6, 2021 11:57 am


    Sephielya May 6, 2021 1:29 pm

    ALL OF THIS. Yes.

    Xavier May 6, 2021 11:09 pm

    Soo dam deserves better

    Neko May 7, 2021 12:53 am

    He's an ass honestly u said what i wanted to say, he doesn't deserve her at all, i hate him he only think of himself and he didn't even give a thought about her, he never loved her, if he had that trauma then he shouldn't have done since the beginning, he is the only toxic thing in that relationship

    Ryma May 7, 2021 11:18 am

    So all we need to do now is go and find a new male lead preferably a cute and non toxic one to simp I am recruiting yall

    Neko May 7, 2021 3:26 pm
    So all we need to do now is go and find a new male lead preferably a cute and non toxic one to simp I am recruiting yall Ryma

    Exactly ヽ(`Д´)ノ